Farnese Seeks Changes in Voter Registration Process to Spur Engagement

Harrisburg – July 23, 2018 – State Sen. Larry Farnese (D-Philadelphia) today announced that he is sponsoring legislation to make it easier for young people to engage in the political process. Farnese’s bill would permit 16- and 17-year olds to preregister to vote. ...

Brewster Appointed to New School Safety and Security Committee

Harrisburg – July 23, 2018 – A longtime advocate of school safety upgrades, state Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) said today that he was appointed to the new School Safety and Security Committee. The 17-member commission was created in late June with the...

Farnese: Ban “Gay and Trans Panic” Defense in Murder Cases

Harrisburg – July 18, 2018 — Assailants charged with murder against LGBTQ individuals would be prohibited from using “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses to avoid conviction or mitigate punishment, if legislation authored by state Sen. Larry Farnese...