News Digest :: June 3, 2021

Legislature Sen. Muth hires expert to ensure accountability at PSERS | Local-news | Boscola announces $1.9M in state grants – Times News Online ( State Legislators Seem Eager To Finish The Mon-Fayette Expressway | 90.5 WESA Millions in PA...

News Digest :: June 2, 2021

Legislature Democratic state senators are pushing for stricter standards for the natural gas industry – WLVR FM A push to increase oversight and transparency of Pa. fracking industry | Smart Talk ( Pa highways, bridges: Tolls, taxes, mileage-based fees...

News Digest :: June 1, 2021

Legislature Pa. House Democratic leader proposes to end prison gerrymandering ( Pennsylvania senators revive bipartisan bill calling for transparency in prescription drug costs | Pennsylvania | Pa. House Democratic leader proposes to...

News Digest :: May 31, 2021

Legislature Proposed legislation would give students in Pa. days off to focus on mental health | WITF Senate panel green lights police radar bill | News | Senate Democrats Push for Greater Accountability From Natural Gas Industry – The...

News Digest :: May 28, 2021

Legislature Pa. lawmakers want stricter regulations on fracking | Senate Democrats push for greater accountability from natural gas industry | StateImpact Pennsylvania ( State awards $200,000 in grants to address blight in Reading | Berks and Beyond |...

News Digest :: May 27, 2021

Legislature Pa. governor calls for minimum wage increase ( Pa. minimum wage: Business owners join Wolf in push for $15 an hour ( Gov. Wolf visits Lancaster to push minimum wage increase, while local companies say they’re far past it |...