Fontana Praises PHEAA Decision that Avoids Cuts to Student Grants

Harrisburg, May 24, 2018 – State Sen. Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) today said he is pleased with the PHEAA (Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency) board decision to use additional reserve funds to maintain grants to students at the current amounts. Without...

Inaction is Not an Option

By State Senator Wayne Fontana

Americans are fed up with this nation’s gun violence epidemic. It is intolerable.

Horrific accounts of deranged mass murderers using military-grade assault weapons to indiscriminately spray bullets into crowds of innocent people has become part of the regular news cycle. Lives are lost, families are destroyed and communities paralyzed.

Fontana Lauds Wolf’s Budget Priorities

HARRISBURG, February 6, 2018 – Sen. Wayne D. Fontana (D-Allegheny) today provided the following statement on Gov. Tom Wolf’s $32.9 billion budget proposal for fiscal 2018-19: “I applaud the governor’s proposal and spending priorities. I’m pleased that the governor is...