August 14, 2020
Harrisburg – August 2020 – State legislators representing five House districts and three Senatorial districts in Chester County have signed a letter to Secretary Patrick McDonnell of the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine of...
August 3, 2020
Harrisburg – August 3, 2020 – At the request of state Senators Tim Kearney (D-Chester/Delaware), Maria Collett (D-Bucks/Montgomery), Andrew Dinniman (D-Chester) and Larry Farnese (D-Philadelphia), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee today held an online...
April 10, 2020
WEST CHESTER (April 9, 2020) – Robocall scammers looking to profit off of public fear, confusion, and uncertainty during the COVID-19 crisis should think again, state Senator Andy Dinniman said. This week, Dinniman announced plans to introduce legislation to enact...
March 25, 2020
WEST CHESTER (March 25, 2020) — State Senator Andy Dinniman, Minority chair of the Senate Education Committee, made the following statement today, March 25, on Senate Bill 751 (The School Code Bill). The first three paragraphs were presented on the Senate floor:...
February 4, 2020
WEST CHESTER (February 4, 2020) – State Senator Andy Dinniman today issued the following statement in response to Governor Wolf’s 2020-2021 budget address: “I strongly support the governor’s proposal to increase funding for public education. When it comes to the...
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