Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Children Online Passes Committee

HARRISBURG, PA – September 19, 2023 – The Senate Communications and Technology Committee unanimously approved bipartisan legislation that would take a major step to protect minors and empower parents, according to the bill’s sponsors, Sens. Vincent Hughes...

Republicans move to remake court after gerrymandering case

Associated Press | By Marc Levy

After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Democratic majority threw out the Republican-drawn map of congressional districts as an unconstitutional gerrymander, Republicans raised talk of impeaching Democratic justices.

Calls for impeachment even came from senior Republican Party officials.

That talk receded, but Republicans have brought forward another plan that could limit the lifespan of the court’s Democratic majority: changing the state’s constitution to elect appellate court judges in districts, rather than in statewide elections.

Pennsylvania Senate double-cross

The Morning Call | By Bill White

My Sunday column will look at the discouraging latest developments in the effort to reform the way election districts are drawn up in Pennsylvania.

In short, Senate Republicans double-crossed everyone at the last minute by amending Senate Bill 22 — which would create an independent citizens redistricting commission — so it includes a provision calling for regional elections of state appellate court judges.