HARRISBURG – July 18, 2019 – At the request of Senator Pam Iovino (D-Allegheny/Washington), the state Senate Democratic Policy Committee will hold a public hearing next Tuesday in Pittsburgh on the coordination and delivery of veterans’ services.
The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23 at 2 p.m. at the Steamfitter Local Union #449, located at 1517 Woodruff St., Pittsburgh.
“Those of us serving in the Senate – public servants ourselves – have an obligation to apply our service toward those who once served us,” Iovino said. “Our veterans deserve the very best support, and this hearing will help us understand how the commonwealth can provide first-class service to the men and women who put on the uniform.”
A 23-year U.S. Navy veteran, Iovino has introduced legislation (Senate Resolution 170) that would establish a statewide task force to study the coordination and delivery of services for veterans and their families. That bill was voted unanimously out of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness, which Iovino co-chairs, and is now being considered by the full Senate.
The Policy Committee is chaired by Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-Northampton).
“Senator Iovino is one of a few veterans serving in the state senate,” Boscola said. “Her unique experience, perspective and advocacy for the men and women who served in our armed forces will have a profound impact on legislative proposals and priorities.”
Your coverage is welcome.
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