Monroeville, PA, January 15, 2024 – State Sen. Nick Pisciottano (D-Allegheny) today announced an $85,000 grant for the Steel Center for Career and Technical Education in Allegheny County from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

“Investing in career and technical schools is an investment in Pennsylvania’s future,” said Pisciottano. “These grant awards will provide students with the tools they need to succeed in a rapidly changing job market, while also addressing the growing demand for skilled workers across sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and technology.”

PDE awarded Competitive Equipment Grants to school districts and career and technical centers with eight or more PDE-approved Career Technical Education programs. Funds can be used to update or purchase new equipment to prepare students for the workplace.

Pisciottano said this competitive grant program will help career and technical schools continue to provide high-quality training in key industries.

The Steel Center will use its $85,000 grant to modernize its Homeland Security Law Enforcement, Firefighting, and related programs with a new ambulance trainer package.