Horsham, Pa. − April 10, 2024 − Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the first enforceable national limits for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water and $1 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to help states test and treat PFAS contamination in public water systems and private wells. PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” have been linked to cancer, high cholesterol, and immune and developmental damage, among other health issues.
PA Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery), whose district has seen some of the highest levels of PFAS contamination in the nation, would like to share her comments:
“Pennsylvanians have a constitutional right to pure water; yet, for decades, my constituents unknowingly consumed drinking water contaminated by firefighting foam runoff at local military bases. I’ve been fighting for safe, clean drinking water for my district and every Pennsylvanian since entering office, and the very first piece of legislation I introduced sought to establish safer PFAS limits and finally hold polluters accountable.”
“Today’s announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency sends a strong and long-overdue message to communities like mine all across the country: accountability and cleanup are on the way. These new maximum contaminant levels for some of the most prevalent PFAS chemicals mark a crucial first step in restoring safety and confidence in America’s drinking water. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, billions of dollars are now available to make sure water providers can meet these standards. Now more than ever, I call upon the Pennsylvania Senate and House to pass SB 612, which will classify PFAS as hazardous substances under our Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act and enable the Commonwealth to deliver meaningful accountability for these environmental crimes.”