ROYERSFORD − October 6, 2023 − State Sen. Katie Muth (D-Chester/Montgomery/Berks) today announced that eight projects in Senate District 44 received over $1.3 million in state grant funding to create new recreational opportunities and conserve natural spaces.
The grants announced in SD44 were part of a $52.5 million dollar investment in 225 recreation and conservation projects across Pennsylvania funded through the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Community Conservation Partnerships Program.
“This over $1.3 million investment in SD44 communities across Montgomery and Chester Counties will continue to improve the amazing parks and recreation opportunities in our district for residents of all ages,” Muth said. “I am grateful for the communities who took the initiative to apply for this grant funding and for their work to improve our parks, enhance recreation, and preserve open space.”
The following Chester County projects in Senate District 44 received funding.
- East Coventry Township received $43,700 toward the acquisition of approximately 1.7 acres along Schoolhouse Road.
- East Pikeland Township received $25,000 to prepare a Comprehensive Park, Open Space and Stewardship Plan.
- East Whiteland Township received $200,000 for further development of Bacton Hill Park. The project will include construction of pedestrian walkways and comfort station; installation of play equipment with required safety surfacing and utilities; ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements.
- French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust received $500,000 toward a conservation easement on approximately 126.2 acres along Pughtown Road in East Vincent Township for critical habitat and open space protection.
- French & Pickering Creeks Conservation Trust received $159,700 for the installation of approximately 4.5 acres of riparian forest buffers along waterways and approximately 7 acres of meadows and/or upland trees in the French Creek Watershed.
- Natural Lands received $105,900 toward the acquisition of approximately 3 acres along Compass Road in Sadsbury Township
- Spring City Borough received $100,000 for the rehabilitation of Brown Street Park. The project will include renovation of parking area; construction of pedestrian walkways; installation of play equipment with required safety surfacing; ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements.
The following Montgomery County project in Senate District 44 received funding:
- Royersford Borough received $184,800 for the rehabilitation of Victory Park. The project will include renovation of the outdoor stage; construction of pedestrian walkway; installation of play equipment with required safety surfacing and fencing; ADA access, landscaping, project sign and other related site improvements.
Funding for the Community Conservation Partnerships Program comes from the Keystone Fund, which is generated from a portion of the realty transfer tax, the Environmental Stewardship Fund, fees for ATV/Snowmobile licenses, and federal monies.
For a full list of projects across the Commonwealth that received funding, click here.