HB 102, PN 101 (Maloney) – This bill amends Title 34 (Game) by allowing all public schools in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to conduct a hunter education course. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 377, PN 1401 (Boscola) – Increases the penalty for killing Bald or Golden Eagles. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 594, PN 1390 (Langerholc) – This legislation would require employers who have a certified safety committee as part of their workers’ compensation program to include information about the risks associated with the use of opioids. An employer would need to incorporate material to employees on the risks associated with the use of opioids as part of their safety committee to be certified and receive the rate discount. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 915, PN 1437 (Yaw) – Amends Title 3 (Agriculture) related to fertilizer. SB 915 establishes best practices for fertilizer use by providing for the labeling, application, recordkeeping, packaging, use, sale and distribution of agricultural fertilizer as well as turf or other specialty fertilizer. Senator Yaw offered amendment A05245 which clarifies that the act does not prohibit the lawful use of fertilizer for blasting as regulated by DEP. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote. The bill was approved by a vote of 49-1.
HB 1036, PN 1208 (Moul) – This bill amends the Borough Code to require a voter referendum before a court grants or denies a petition to reduce the size of a borough council. Senator Corman offered amendment A05952 which authorizes the commissioners of a first-class township or a home rule township to present a petition to the court of common pleas wherein the township is located for the adjustment and apportionment of property between the township and a newly created borough. Currently only Second Class Townships are covered in this process for the formation of a borough from a township. Further the amendment adds the language of SB 958—Mastriano to the bill. That bill exempts the sale of electricity produced by a borough electric system from the Gross Receipts Tax. The amendment passed by a vote of 29-21. The bill was approved by a vote of 40-10.
HB 1048, PN 3721 (Knowles) – Amends the act of April 12, 1951, also known as the Liquor Code, to provide for the removal of application surcharges for veterans’ organizations and volunteer fire companies renewing their license to sell liquor, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages. Senator Corman offered amendment A05958 which removes oil/fuel sale prohibition on licensing and sales for: Hotel, Restaurant and Club Liquor Licensees, Malt and Brewed Beverage Manufacturers, Distributors and Importing Distributors and Malt and Brewed Beverage Retail Licensees.
The amendment also authorizes Malt or Brewed Beverage Sales by Licensees, Retail Dispenser Licensees and Expanded Wine Permit holders at all cash registers in business that satisfy the following: Building is 11,000 square feet or less. Register is located in the same building as licensed premises. Registers comply with signage, staffing, training, carding, scanning and prohibition on sharing of data provisions included in section 415 (a)(8) and (9). Board has been provided notice of specific registers to be used. Registers deemed to be licensed and no formal application to the board shall be required. The amendment passed by a vote of 34-16. The bill was approved by a vote of 50-0.
House Concurrent Regulatory Review Resolution Number 1 – Disapproves the Department of Labor & Industry’s Overtime Regulation. A vote of 29-21 was recorded.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 50-0:
Estella M. Hyde, Pennsylvania Council on Aging (reappointment)
Yassmin Gramian, Secretary of Transportation (new appointment)