SB 241, PN 1016 (Browne) – Senate Bill 241 makes annual appropriations to the Philadelphia Parking Authority for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 112, PN 1017 (Yaw) – The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) to expand the current limitations on providing opioid prescriptions from minors to include all individuals. Senator Muth offered amendment A02213 which would limit a doctor to prescribe up to a 14-day supply of a controlled substance for pain management following a major surgical procedure. The amendment failed by a vote of 21-29. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 123, PN 1000 (Sabatina) – Amends Title 61 (Prisons and Parole) providing more time for the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole (“the Board”) to consider the applications of sexually violent predators. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 166, PN 985 (Hughes) – Senate Bill 166 provides for the Capital Budget Act of 2019-2020. The maximum bond indebtedness that the Commonwealth may incur is $1.01 Billion. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 223, PN 1018 (Phillips-Hill) – Amends the Pharmacy Act of 1961, Section 8 to allow EMS providers to leave a dose of naloxone with a family member, friend or another individual of a patient who has experienced an opioid related overdose event. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 276, PN 284 (Delozier) – Places the Crime Victim’s Bill of Rights in the state constitution. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 315, PN 295 (Murt) – Creates the offense of female genital mutilation. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 502, PN 490 (Hershey) – Gives victims the right to watch court proceedings. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 504, PN 492 (Mihalek) – Prevents introduction of a victim’s past sexual victimization or allegations of past sexual victimization in a criminal proceeding. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 399, PN 947 (Langerholc) – Amends the Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act to establish additional rights for victims of sexual assault. Senate concurred in House Amendments. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.