SB 129, PN 78 (Mastriano) – Amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) to reform the structure of the advisory councils that oversee the operation of each of the state veterans’ homes. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

SB 173, PN 181 (Pennycuick) – Amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) to afford the same rights, benefits, recognition, and privileges that are provided to veterans of the United States armed forces to any Pennsylvania resident who is a naturalized citizen of the United States and a veteran of the Korean Armed Forces who served on active duty during the Vietnam War. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.

SB 210, PN 150 (Picozzi) – Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provisions relating to operation of vehicles, this bill provides for the offense of interference with operation or movement of a public transit vehicle. A vote of 48-1 was recorded.

HB 324, PN 272 (Cepeda-Freytiz) – Eliminates prohibitions and limitations for Certified Poultry Technicians. Senator Coleman offered amendment A00046 which removes references to the Secretary of Agriculture’s existing authority to issue “quarantine orders” and replaces the term “surveillance” in the bill to the term “testing.” Senator Vogel moved to table the amendment. The motion passed by a vote of 42-7. The bill was approved by a vote of 45-4.