SB 869, PN 1758 (Mastriano) – The bill amends the School Code to provide for a moment of silence during a school day that falls on 9/11. Senator Phillips-Hill offered amendment A07084 which requires the Department of Education to develop a curriculum educating children on the September 11th attacks. Senator Iovino offered amendment A06790 which provides for a moment of silence in schools for the 1941 Pearl Harbor Attacks. Both amendments were agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.
SB 968, PN 1480 (Browne) – Statutorily merges the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Board of Probation and Parole (BPP). Senator Browne offered amendment A07038 which adds a chapter on the board of pardons and provides for the definition of “group-based home” in this legislation for offender registration. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill was tabled, then placed on the active calendar.
SB 969, PN 1463 (Browne) – Addresses the status of the Office of the Victim Advocate (OVA) under the merger of the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Board of Probation and Parole (BPP). Senator Pittman offered amendment A04789 which requires the victim advocate be a member of the bar of the Commonwealth. The amendment passed by a vote of 26-24 and the bill was tabled, then placed on the active calendar.
SB 1039, PN 1755 (Martin) – This legislation incorporates the County Code (Act 130 of 1955) into Title 16 (Counties), and makes related repeals to Act 130 of 1955 and in Title 16. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 530, PN 1331 (Martin) – This bill would allow for victims of sexual assault to request their schools expel their perpetrators. Senator Collett offered amendment A07086 which assures the intent to protect survivors of sexual assault from their perpetrators. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.
SB 835, PN 1800 (Langerholc) – This bill establishes The Unserved High-Speed Broadband Funding Pilot Program to be overseen by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA). A vote of 50-0 was recorded.