SB 157, PN 139 (Mensch) – The legislation would create the Pennsylvania First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account Act to allow an individual(s) to put up to $150,000 aside deductible from taxable income for the purchase of a single-family residence. A vote of 46-3 was recorded.
SB 603, PN 1160 (Brooks) – Amends the Public-School Code by establishing protocols for the removal of a tick from a student. The legislation allows a school nurse, school physician or employee of a school district to remove a tick from a student in accordance with guidelines issued by the Secretary of Health. A vote of 48-1 was recorded.
SB 777, PN 917 (Langerholc) – Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inspection of vehicles, further providing for requirement for periodic inspection of vehicles. A vote of 29-20 was recorded.
SB 786 PN 1108 (Aument) – Amends the Public-School Code of 1949 to permit charter schools, IUs, and career and technical schools to participate in open campus initiatives. A vote of 29-20 was recorded.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nomination by a vote of 49-0.
Michael M. McAndrew, State Board of Barber Examiners (Reappointment)
Kirk Holman, Council of Trustees of California University of Pennsylvania (New Appointment)
Barbara M. Logue, Council of Trustees of California University of Pennsylvania (New Appointment)
Ryan N. Boyer, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Cheryl E. Harper, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Kafi M. Lindsay, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Leroy D. Nunery, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Jasmine E. Sessoms, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Larry C. Skinner, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (Reappointment)
Robert L. Traynham, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (Reappointment)
James E. Turner, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Craig T. Welburn, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (New Appointment)
Craig D. Westover, Constables’ Education and Training Board (Reappointment)
Quetcy M. Lozada, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (New Appointment)
Richard P. Rauso, State Board of Landscape Architects (Reappointment)
Aaron K. Singer, Council of Trustees of Mansfield University (Reappointment)
Abraham Amoros, Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University (Reappointment)
Terrence M. Pegula, Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University (Reappointment)
Steven K. Erickson, State Board of Psychology (Reappointment)
The Senate confirmed the following executive nomination by a vote of 48-0.
Vincent J. Hughes, Council of Trustees of Cheyney University (Reappointment)