HB 632, PN 4052 (Rothman) – An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provisions, further providing for odometer disclosure requirements. Senator Laughlin offered amendment A06509 which adds electric micromobility devices (a.k.a. “e-scooters”) to Title 75 and provides for their municipal regulation by adding the following:
- Replaces the definition of “electric personal assistive mobility device” in Title 75 with “electric personal assistive micromobility device,” defined as a transportation device for one person with an electric propulsion system and weighing less than 100 pounds and incapable of traveling greater than 20 mph on level ground. This device is not considered a “motor vehicle.”
- These devices will be exempt from the certificates of title and registration requirements and exempt from the other equipment and lighting requirements of Title 75.
- They can only be operated on a roadway in the boundaries of a municipality that has adopted an ordinance authorizing them; municipalities are authorized to regulate them; and municipalities may require the operator to collect a per trip fee for use of shared micromobility devices if the total amount of collected fees does not exceed the ‘reasonable and necessary cost’ to the local authority to administer the shared micromobility program.
- Riders of these micromobility devices must comply with the same rules as riders of pedalcycles with regard to roadways and paths.
- Regulation of the use of these devices consistent with the regulation of pedalcycles is deemed a reasonable exercise of PennDOT and local authority police powers.
- Nothing in this new regulation of micromobility devices can be construed prohibit an institution of higher education in PA from regulating the use of these devices within the institution’s physical boundaries
- These devices may only be operated by persons 18 or older
- All devices must have a light on the front, a red reflector attached to the back and a reflector on each side
The amendment failed by a vote of 20-30. The bill was approved by a vote of 50-0.
SB 932, PN 1358 (Boscola) – An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in volunteer firefighters, further providing for definitions. Senator Browne offered amendment A06515 which except for sections 2401 (definitions), 2412 (Tax rate) and 2413 (disposition of tax), the amendment repeals chapter 24 of the Tax Reform Code regarding fireworks and recodifies those provisions in Chapter 59 of the Emergency Services Code. A municipal option section is added authorizing a city of the first class, second class, second class A and third class with a population of 58,000 to prohibit the use of consumer fireworks within the city by adopting an ordinance and delivering int to the Department of Agriculture no sooner than 60 days prior to the enactment of this act. (Post July 4, 2020). The amendment was approved by a vote of 48-2 and the bill went over in its order.
HB 943, PN 4053 (Gaydos) – The bill creates the Consumer Prescription Drug Pricing and Freedom Disclosure Act. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 987, PN 1822 (Hutchinson) – An Act amending Title 35 (Health and Safety) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in Commonwealth services, further providing for definitions and for State Fire Commissioner, providing for curriculum and training, further providing for Pennsylvania State Fire Academy and for Fire Safety Advisory Committee. A vote of 34-16 was recorded.
SB 1045, PN 1550 (Argall) – Amends the Recorder of Deeds Fee Law to remove the 10-year sunset on the demolition fee enacted in Act 152 of 2016. A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
SB 1182, PN 1739 (Brooks) – Ensures that funding from the PA Fair Fund will still be distributed to any otherwise eligible fairs that have to cancel this year’s (2020) events due to COVID-19. Senator Brooks offered amendment A06274 which adds eligibility to apply for capital improvement grants to improve facilities and grounds, add land, and construct new facilities under the Act. – Changes the grant amount to equal the amount received in the 2019 calendar year for operating costs; harness horse racing reimbursement; and horse racing reimbursement. Capital improvement grants are removed from the calculation. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote. The bill was agreed to by a vote of 50-0.
SB 1195, PN 1825 (Scavello) – The bill amends as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, in Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, further providing for purpose, for definitions, for coverage and limitations. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 1199, PN 1823 (Aument) – An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; and, in highly automated vehicles, further providing for Highly Automated Vehicle Advisory Committee and providing for personal delivery devices. A vote of 31-19 was recorded.
HB 1860, PN 2940 (Longietti) – Amends the Urban Redevelopment Law (Act 385 of 1945) to permit a municipality of any size to establish a redevelopment authority. A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
HB 2045, PN 2872 (Dowling) – This bill authorizes the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to convey land to the borough of Ohiopyle. In exchange, land will be conveyed to the Commonwealth. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 14, PN 1819 (A. Williams) – Reforms the procedure and limits the imposition of probation. Senator Baker offered amendment A06495 which provides that counties are not prohibited from establishing their own programs to terminate probation. The probation program must comply with the interstate compacts on prisoner transport. Clarifies that eligibility for a probation review conference happens as soon possible 6 or 9 months after a disqualifying technical violation. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations committee.
HB 2370, PN 3659 (M.K. Keller) – This bill amends Title 57 (Notaries Public) to provide for the remote notarization of documents. Senator DiSanto offered amendment A06376 which is a technical amendment removing language that the General Assembly already enacted through Act 15-2020 regarding remote notarization. Specifically, it removes the changes to Title 42 permitting unsworn declarations to be used in legal proceedings involving transactions within the U.S. and changes a section number throughout. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations committee.
HB 256, PN 4054 (Metzgar) – Clarifies that assault of a prisoner by an inmate is a felony of the second degree. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1841, PN 4011 (Readshaw) – Creates a structure for law enforcement background investigations. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1910, PN 4012 (Williams) – Updates training requirements for municipal police officers. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 2455, PN 4009 (Lawrence) – Amends the Administrative Code providing for implementation of COVID-19 antibody testing by local health departments and places requirements on the Secretary of Health as it relates to approval and requires the utilization of State Labs. HB2455 also provides for COVID-19 emergency plan and reporting requirements consistent with the federal Paycheck Protection and Health Care Enhancement Act. Senator Costa offered amendment A06506 which provides for water and sewer authorities in second class cities. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote. The bill was approved by a vote of 50-0.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 50-0:
Diane M. Baldi, State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators (reappointment)
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 49-1:
Mark J. Moore, Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County (new appointment)
George R. Twardy, Jr., Judge, Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County (new appointment)