SB 235, PN 986 (Browne) – Senate Bill 235 makes annual appropriations for fiscal year 2019-20 to the Department of State for use by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs in support of the professional licensure boards. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 236, PN 987 (Browne) – Senate Bill 236 provides for appropriations for fiscal year 2019-20 from the Workmen’s Compensation Administration Fund to the Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) and to the Office of Small Business Advocate in the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 237, PN 988 (Browne) – Senate Bill 237 makes an annual appropriation from a restricted revenue account within the General Fund for the Office of Small Business Advocate in the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 238, PN 989 (Browne) – Senate Bill 238 makes an annual appropriation from a restricted revenue account for the Office of Consumer Advocate within the General Fund for the operation of the office in fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 239, PN 990 (Browne) – Senate Bill 239 makes annual appropriations to provide for expenses of the Public School Employees’ Retirement Board for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 240, PN 991 (Browne) – Senate Bill 240 makes annual appropriations to provide for expenses of the State Employees’ Retirement Board for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 241, PN 992 (Browne) – Senate Bill 241 makes annual appropriations to the Philadelphia Parking Authority for fiscal year 2019-20. Senator Browne offered amendment A02174 which changes the funds allocated from the Philadelphia Taxicab and Limousine Regulatory Fund to the Philadelphia Parking Authority from $2,654,000 to $3,357,000. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.
SB 242, PN 993 (Browne) – Senate Bill 242 makes annual appropriations to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 243, PN 994 (Browne) – Senate Bill 243 makes annual appropriations for the regulation and enforcement of the gaming industry for fiscal year 2019-20. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 112, PN 508 (Yaw) – The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety) to expand the current limitations on providing opioid prescriptions from minors to include all individuals. Senator Yaw offered amendment A02155 which adds an exception to the 7-day opioid prescription limit to manage pain associated with major surgical procedures. The amendment was approved by a vote of 28-22 and the bill went over in its order.
SB 118, PN 998 (Langerholc) – This bill will establish the Recovery to Work Pilot Program within the Department of Labor and Industry. The goal of the pilot program is to provide individuals in recovery from a drug addiction with career development opportunities and work experience through local workforce development boards. A vote of 34-16 was recorded.
SB 223, PN 407 (Phillips-Hill) – Amends the Pharmacy Act of 1961, Section 8 to allow EMS providers to leave a dose of naloxone with a family member, friend or another individual of a patient who has experienced an opioid related overdose event. Senator Phillips-Hill offered amendment A02175 which would allow an EMS provider that dispenses a dose package of naloxone to bill the patient’s insurer, as long as the dose package was not supplied to the EMS provider for free. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.
SB 321, PN 996 (Martin) – The bill creates a new chapter within Title 53 to provide for the option to prohibit the location of Video Gaming Terminal licenses within a municipality. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 432, PN 401 (Phillips-Hill) – This bill would provide for expanded access to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 572, PN 997 (Aument) – This bill would provide for opioid treatment agreements. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 634, PN 995 (Yaw) – Amends Title 3 (Agriculture) in soil and conservation, providing for Conservation Excellence Grant Program. A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
SB 661, PN 1001 (J.Ward) – Establishes a new chapter in the Agriculture Code to provide for grants to enhance the Federal Specialty Crop Block Grant Program. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 724, PN 999 (Corman) – This legislation amends Title 24 (Education) and 71 (State Government) to make corrections to Act 5 of 2017 to further provide for delinquent payments by employers, providing for voting eligibility, nonparticipating employer withdrawal liability allocation under the Public School Employees’ Retirement System. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1065, PN 1226 (Dush) – A bridge in Jefferson County will be designated as the CPL James Slagle 2nd Ranger Battalion Army Ranger WWI Memorial Bridge. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 1166, PN 1344 (Jozwiak) – This legislation amends the Supplementary Act of Pilotage Rates (Act 210 of 1889) to the Act to establish a board of wardens for the Port of Philadelphia (Act 156 of 1803) by providing a rate increase for the River Pilots who navigate trade vessels along the Delaware River and its navigable tributaries. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 50-0:
Charles J. Charlesworth, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (new appointment)
William J. Gibney, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (new appointment)
Eric C. Hussar, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (reappointment)
Richard S. Kauffman, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (reappointment)
Dan J. Pastore, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (new appointment)
Robert A. Armstrong, Jr, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
Andrew Bloschichak, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
Lisa B. Frank, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
Tammy J. Lininger, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
Vic J. Navarro, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
John P. Schullin, III, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
Alice M. Yoder, Health Policy Board (new appointment)
David P. Abel, Industrial Board (new appointment)
Donna L. Suskie, Industrial Board (new appointment)
Mark R. Anderson, Professional Standards and Practices Commission (new appointment)
Brandon G. Aukamp, Professional Standards and Practices Commission (new appointment)
Michelle F. Duggan, Professional Standards and Practices Commission (new appointment)
Stacey L. Marten, Professional Standards and Practices Commission (new appointment)
Gregory C. Thall, State Employees’ Retirement Board (new appointment)
Ronald J. Drnevich, State Transportation Commission (reappointment)
James D. Kingsborough, State Transportation Commission (reappointment)
John W. Mast, State Transportation Commission (new appointment)
Frank E. Paczewski, State Transportation Commission (reappointment)
Paige M. Willan, State Transportation Commission (new appointment)