SB 26, PN 5 (Schwank) – This bill authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions on land currently owned by the Borough of Topton in Berks County. In exchange, restrictions will be imposed on other lands in the Borough. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 130, PN 92 (Gordner) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to release a use restriction, and associated reversionary interest, on property located in Montour County. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SR 20, PN 155 (Baker) – Directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to study and report on venue in medical malpractice cases and requests that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (SCOPA) delay action on its proposed changes to medical malpractice venue rules until the LBFC submits its report to the General Assembly, which shall occur no later than January 1, 2020. A vote of 31-18 was recorded.