SB 530, PN 1940 (Martin) – This bill would allow for victims of sexual assault to request their schools expel their perpetrators. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 869, PN 1937 (Mastriano) –The bill amends the School Code to provide for a moment of silence during a school day that falls on 9/11. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 968, PN 1938 (Browne) –Statutorily merges the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Board of Probation and Parole (BPP). A vote of 49-1 was recorded.
SB 1170, PN 1769 (Langerholc) – Permits expert witnesses in domestic violence to testify in cases relating to sexual offenses, human trafficking, or domestic violence. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 2025, PN 3907 (Struzzi) – Establishes the Pennsylvania Carbon Dioxide Cap and Trade Authorization Act to require General Assembly approval before entering into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”). Senator Pittman called to previous question. The vote on the motion was 28-22. A vote of 33-17 was recorded.
HB 2787, PN 4334 (Reese) – The bill amends the School Code by allowing a school entity to make decisions regarding sports and activities. A vote of 39-11 was recorded.
The Senate confirmed the following executive nominations by a vote of 50-0:
Thomas J. Grayuski, Council of Trustees of East Stroudsburg University (new appointment)
Patrick N. Christmas, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Amy E. Cozze, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Jesse D. Daniel, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Gene D. DiGirolamo, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Bruce R. Erb, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Kenneth L. Huston, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Christina M. Iacono, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Joseph E. Kantz, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Kenneth E. Lawrence, Jr, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Dave A. Lohr, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Tim J. Moran, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
James M. Smith, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Margaret R. Spitzer, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Andrew F. Szefi, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Peter J. Urscheler, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Daniel J. Vogler, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)
Randall O. Wenger, Pennsylvania Election Law Advisory Board (new appointment)