Tuesday, September 22, 2020
SB 85, PN 2004 (Phillips-Hill) – This bill amends the Dog Law to extend fee exemptions to a service dog used in the performance of services by a police department, fire department or sheriff’s office or in the performance of rescue services or emergency medical services. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 395, PN 1824 (Brooks) – This bill further provides for the display of the POW/MIA flag. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1189, PN 2007 (K. Ward) – This bill amends the Disease Prevention and Control Law to further provide for definitions and for control measures during a pandemic. A vote of 33-16 was recorded.
SB 1241, PN 1936 (Argall) – This bill amends the Administrative Code to require the Department of General Services to conduct an annual survey of state facility usage. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1281, PN 1943 (Mastriano) – This bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to rename the “Steer Clear Law” as the “Move Over Law” and increase fines and penalties. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1309, PN 1930 (Martin) – This is a land conveyance bill. It authorizes the Department of Transportation to convey a tract of unimproved land to High Properties, LP for fair market value. An appraisal will bet set by the Department. The land is located in Manheim Township, Lancaster County. All proceeds will be deposited into the Motor License Fund. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 2438, PN 3848 (Owlett) – This bill amends Title 68 (Real and Personal Property) to further provide for broadband services over existing easements and infrastructure. Senator Pittman offered amendment A07198, which prohibits an electric cooperative corporation from disconnecting electric service to a customer due to his or her failure to pay for broadband service from the cooperative, and further outlines cross-subsidization stipulations. The amendment was approved by a 31-18 vote and the bill was re-referred to Appropriations.
HB 2513, PN 4340 (Everett) – This bill amends the Administrative Code to allow food and beverage establishment indoor operations within certain guidelines, to prohibit requirements that a meal must be purchased to buy alcoholic beverages and to allow the extension of liquor licensed premises to additional outside serving areas during the COVID-19 disaster emergency. A vote of 43-6 was recorded.
SB 487, PN 516 (Laughlin) – This bill amends the Breach of Personal Information Notification Act further providing for notification of breach; prohibiting employees of the Commonwealth from using nonsecured Internet connections; and providing for Commonwealth policy and for entities subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1033, PN 2005 (Gordner) – SB 1033 amends Title 42 by increasing the number of Court of Common Pleas judges in the 26th district (Columbia county) from two to three, and in the 20th district from one to two. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1164, PN 2006 (J. Ward) – This bill amends the County Code to clarify that all deaths in a county suspected of COVID-19 shall be referred to the county coroner for investigation. A vote of 39-10 was recorded.
SR 384, PN 1475 (Iovino) – This resolution commemorates the decommissioning of USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) in Pennsylvania. The Senate adopted the resolution by a vote of 49-0.
The following executive nominations were approved by the Senate unanimously:
Gary Masino, Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (new appointment)
Albert Mezzaroba, Pennsylvania Relations Board (reappointment)
The following executive nominations were approved by the Senate by a vote of 47-2
Andrea Puppio, Judge, Court of Common Pleas – Delaware County (new appointment)
Christina Hale, Judge, Court of Common Pleas – Schuylkill County (new appointment)
Wadud Ahmad, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (new appointment)