SB 85, PN 63 (Phillips-Hill) – Amending the act of December 7, 1982 (P.L.784, No.225), the Dog Law. SB 85 would extend fee exemptions to a service dog used in the performance of services by a police department, fire department or sheriff’s office or in the performance of rescue services or emergency medical services. Senator Phillips-Hill offered amendment A00038 which preserves current law, that authorizes agents authorized to issue dog licenses (county treasurers and other appointed agents) to provide for the transfer of dog licenses. It removes language limiting license transfer authority to county treasurers. The amendment also clarifies that a dog license fee exemption applies to police agencies that uses a dog in the performance of the police agency’s functions or duties. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill went over in its order.
SB 764, PN 1761 (Brooks) – The bill amends the Telemarketer Registration Act by prohibiting a telemarketer from spoofing phone numbers so the call appears to originate from the same local area as the recipient. The bill also prohibits telemarketers from making “robocalls” after 8 p.m. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 881, PN 1238 (Martin) – The bill amends the Agricultural Area Security Law to direct a portion of the state-allocated farmland preservation funding to be set aside annually for use by land trusts. A vote of 47-1 was recorded.
SB 1190, PN 1935 (Hutchinson) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to convey land in Warren County to Bollinger Enterprises, Inc. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1280, PN 1907 (Bartolotta) – This bill authorizes the Department of General Services to convey land in Washington County to the Washington Health System. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 2487, PN 3772 (Ryan) – This bill amends the Public Official Compensation Law to freeze the cost-of-living (COLA) increase for public officials applicable in 2021. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 1033, PN 1538 (Gordner) – Adds a judge to Court of Common Pleas the 26th judicial district. Senator Corman offered amendment A07251 which adds one judicial position to the Court of Common Pleas in Huntingdon County. The position will be established on January 3, 2022, and shall be initially filled by election at the 2021 municipal election. The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations committee.
SB 1164, PN 1712 (J. Ward) – Ensures that deaths caused by contagious diseases are reported to the county coroner by health care facilities, and that identifiable health information maintained by health authorities is shared with coroners as well. Senator J. Ward offered amendment A07043 which, in addition to technical corrections, requires the Department of Health to provide coroners with electronic access to appropriate databases for reporting under the Disease Prevention and Control Act of 1955. The department may not charge a fee for electronic reporting. Coroners must comply with applicable federal and state confidentiality standards. The amendment was approved by a vote of 41-7 and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations committee.
SB 1189, PN 1855 (K. Ward) – The bill amends the Disease Prevention and Control Law to require nursing homes immediately upon the issuance of an emergency proclamation by the Governor to follow the CDC’s guidelines as it relates to the communicable disease that is the subject of the proclamation. Senator K. Ward offered amendment A07150 which clarifies that only individuals who test positive for the same communicable disease may be kept together in isolation; prohibits individuals from being admitted as a resident of an assisted living facility, personal care home, or a long- term care facility unless they have been asymptomatic of a communicable disease for 14 days or have not tested positive for a communicable disease for at least 14 days. (The bill contains a 30 day requirement currently); prohibits the Secretary of Health from forcing any facility to admit a person in conflict with a facility’s admission policies and requires that facility admission policies are consistent with any relevant guidelines from the CDC and CMS; and requires the Secretary to ensure that facilities are adequately equipped to comply with relevant CDC and CMS guidelines including ppe and lab testing. The amendment was approved by a vote of 35-13 and the bill went over in its order.