SB 282, PN 304 (Argall) – An Act preventing the Commonwealth from dealing with persons associated with the Government of Russia or the Government of Belarus; and imposing duties on the Treasury Department and the Attorney General. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HR 197, PN 1966 (Gallagher) – The resolution extends the Governor’s emergency disaster declaration in response to the collapse I-95 near the Cottman Avenue exit in Northeast Philadelphia until February 29, 2024. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 694, PN 1114 (Farry) – The bill amends Title 3 Agriculture relating to firework sales by repealing certain definitions and requiring proof of registration to sell or display fireworks to law enforcement upon request. A vote of 45-5 was recorded.
SB 851, PN 1158 (Langerholc) – The bill eliminates the October 24, 2023, expiration of the School Bus Stop-Arm Camera Program, provides for an administrative hearing appeals process, and makes multiple technical changes to the program. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 156, PN 1029 (Pashinski) – The bill makes technical corrections to Tile 3 (Agriculture) Chapter 68 (Fertilizer Law). A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
HB 157, PN 1030 (Pashinski) – The bill establishes the PA Preferred Organic® trademark. A vote of 46-4 was recorded.