SB 1105, PN 1763 (Browne) – The bill would provide $31.660 million in funding for the University of Pennsylvania’s veterinary activities; and $1.893 million for the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Infectious Diseases for the 2022-23 fiscal year. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 1283, PN 1745 (Browne) – The bill would Printer’s Number 1745 provides for funding for state-related universities and the Agricultural College Land Scrip Fund for the 2022-23 fiscal year. This legislation includes record-keeping provisions, audits, and restrictions on expenditures. A vote of 44-5 was recorded.
SB 1284, PN 1746 (Browne) – The bill would Printer’s Number 1746 appropriates from the restricted account in the Agricultural Land Scrip Fund for fiscal year 2022-23 in accordance with the Fiscal Code. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
SB 569, PN 606 (Argall) – This legislation would create the State Corrections Officers Bill of Rights, which would codify certain processes and procedures for handling disciplinary matters of state corrections officers.
Amendment A04761 (Argall) – The amendment removes certain requirements in the bill that are in violation of federal law.
The requirements that are removed are:
- Providing 24-hour notice to the employee that is charged,
- Providing the name of the person making the complaint to the employee in the notice, and
- Expungement of certain records.
The amendment changes the allegation of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance to acts of misconduct.
The amendment passed by a vote of 49-0 and the bill went over in its order as amended.
SB 907, PN 1550 (Yaw) – The bill establishes the Animal Welfare Board. The board shall consist of residents of the Commonwealth who are members from:
i. The Secretary of Agriculture or a designee.
ii. The University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.
iii. The College of Agricultural Sciences of The Pennsylvania State University.
iv. The American Kennel Club.
V. The Federated Humane Societies of Pennsylvania.
Vi. The Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation.
Vii. The Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
Viii. The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.
ix. PennAg Industries Association.
X. The Pennsylvania State Grange.
Xi. The Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania.
Xii. The Office of Attorney General.
Xiii. The Pennsylvania State Police.
Two individuals from the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, at least one of whom represents a licensed kennel.
Two individuals from the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association.
Amendment A04947 (Muth) – This amendment changes the composition of the board as follows:
The amendment removes from membership:
- Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation
- PA State Grange and
- PA Insurance Federation
The amendment adds to the board the:
- US Human Society and
The amendment changes the PA Federated Humane Societies from 1 member to two members with one of whom shall employ a Humane Society police officer.
The amendment adds an expiration provision to the act requiring it to expire in 730 days after the effective date.
The amendment failed by a vote of 20-29. A vote of 29-20 was recorded on the bill.
SB 1171, PN 1535 (Hutchinson) – The bill would Removes restrictions on the number of axles mandated for trucks hauling pulpwood or wood chips with heavy hauling permits. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.
HB 1421, PN 1528 (Thomas) – The bill would increase the pay for any veterans’ group that contracts with DMVA to provide burial details from $150 to $250 per day. It would also allow the DMVA to request the services of members of the PA National Guard. A vote of 49-0 was recorded.