Monday, June 14, 2021
SB 423, PN 854 (J. Ward) – Amends Title 71 (State Government) to allow an annuitant of the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) to return to state service with continued benefit payments as part-time fire instructor. A vote of 50-0 was recorded.
SB 524, PN 599 (Yaw) – Amends Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) to restrict the filing of ordinances or petitions pursuant to the Home Rule Law.
Amendment A01489 (Kearney) – The amendment removes the provisions that limits submission of questions for government study commissions under the Home Rule Charter Law to Municipal and General Elections and deleting Primary Election.
The amendment failed by a vote of 21-29. A vote of 34-16 was recorded on the bill.
SB 119, PN 125 (Pittman) – Establishes the Pennsylvania Carbon Dioxide Cap and Trade Authorization Act to require General Assembly approval before entering into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI”). A vote of 35-15 was recorded.
SB 319, PN 327 (Bartolotta) – This legislation would allow employers, when an employee receives proceeds from a third-party settlement, to recover funds that go toward future health costs of the employee. Currently, employers may retroactively recover funds awarded to employees through a third-party lawsuit when those funds go toward future wage losses but not funds that go toward future health costs. A vote of 27-23 was recorded on the bill.
SB 533, PN 511 (Yaw) – Amends Title 35 to prohibit regulatory action during disaster emergencies.
Amendment A01657 (Yaw) The amendment limits application of the bill to declaration of disaster emergency that involve the statewide closure of any government offices or businesses for a period of more than five days.
The amendment was approved by a vote of 29-21. A vote of 29-21 was recorded on the bill.