SB 597, PN 592 (Laughlin) – The bill amends Title 74 (Transportation) to modernize the management of local transportation organizations with comprehensive reforms to deliver the operating and capital programs. A vote of 47-1 was recorded.
SB 686, PN 754 (Gebhard) – An Act authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Agriculture and the Governor, to grant and convey to Joshua R. Snyder a certain tract of land located in Windsor Township, Berks County. A vote of 47-1 was recorded.
SB 847, PN 999 (Baker) – An Act authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 867, PN 1017 (Kearney) – The bill simplifies the city classification process and permits Second Class A and Third Class cities to remain in their current classification in most cases regardless of population changes unless they qualify for, and actively choose, a change of class. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 887, PN 1053 (Hutchinson) – Exempts municipalities and counties from certain deposit and registration requirements intended for cemetery companies. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
SB 977, PN 1224 (Farry) – An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in miscellaneous provisions relating to operation of vehicles, providing for the offense of interference with operation or movement of a public transit vehicle. A vote of 47-1 was recorded.
HB 1058, PN 1471 (Krajewski) – The bill amends Title 42 Section 6336.1(a) (Judiciary & Judicial Procedure) to require courts to provide a potential kinship care resource with notice of a child custody hearing as well as an opportunity to testify during the hearing. A vote of 48-0 was recorded.
HB 1096, PN 2189 (Malagari) – The bill is an omnibus amendment to the Liquor Code (Act 21 of 1951) to allow some hotel license holders to convert their licenses to restaurant licenses (Philadelphia is excluded from this opportunity), and for certain amusement parks and botanical gardens to hold public venue licenses.
Amendment A03145 (Pittman/Regan) – The amendment deletes provisions that prohibit a malt or brewed beverage manufacturer from prohibiting or mandating the use of a type of e-commerce platform provided by another manufacturer.
Changes date for conversion of a hotel license from January 1, 2024, to July 1, 2024.
The amendment passed by a vote of 48-0 and the bill was re-referred to the Appropriations Committee.
SR 169, PN 1153 (Coleman) – The resolution directs the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to conduct a program evaluation to assess the effectiveness of workforce development programs administered by Commonwealth agencies.
Amendment A03146 (Coleman) – The amendment makes several technical corrections to the resolution. The amendments do not change the scope or time frame (12 months from adoption) for the performance of the study by the LBFC.
The amendment was agreed to by a voice vote and the resolution went over in its order as amended.
HB 1278, PN 2303 (Pielli) – The bill amends Title 18 Chapter 57 Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act by creating two additional exemptions to the prohibition of interception and disclosure of communications by adding the use of body cameras on parole agents and the interception of telemarketing and robocalls if the person receiving the call consents. Finally, extends the sunset provision until December 31, 2029. A vote of 40-8 was recorded.