Monroeville, PA − May 26, 2021 − At the request of state Senator Jim Brewster (D- Allegheny/Westmoreland), the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee will hold a hybrid in person and virtual public hearing to discuss the Mon Fayette Expressway and what this project will mean to the southwest region of Pennsylvania. Testifiers at the hearing will include leaders in government, labor, and business chamber organizations.
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee is chaired by Senator Katie Muth (D-Berks/Chester/Montgomery).
WHEN: The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 1 p.m.
WHERE: Monroeville Borough Building-Council Chambers & Virtual
2700 Monroeville Blvd.
Monroeville, PA 15146
The Hearing will also livestreamed at and the PA Senate Democratic Caucus Facebook page.
You can register through Zoom here.
WHO: Sen. Jim Brewster (D- Allegheny/Westmoreland), Sen. Katie Muth (D- Berks/Chester/Montgomery), members of the PA Senate Democratic Caucus
Media coverage is welcome and encouraged.