April 29, 2021 − At the request of Pennsylvania State Senators Judy Schwank (D- Berks), Tina Tartaglione (D- Philadelphia), and Sharif Street (D- Philadelphia), the Senate Democratic Policy Committee will hold a virtual policy hearing to discuss the issue of food insecurity in Pennsylvania. This hearing will explore how existing community and state programs are working to serve families, and how food insecurity can be better addressed across the commonwealth. Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, Pennsylvania’s Second Lady Gisele Fetterman, and numerous experts and advocates will testify during the hearing.
The Senate Democratic Policy Committee is chaired by Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks/Chester/Montgomery).
The policy hearing is scheduled for Friday, April 30, 2021, at 10 a.m. It will be livestreamed at SenatorMuth.com/Policy and the PA Senate Democratic Caucus Facebook page.
You can register through Zoom here.