HARRISBURG – May 12, 2021 − The Pennsylvania Senate Democrats today proposed an aggressive $6 billion plan that provides the opportunity and tools that the citizens of PA can use to recover from the pandemic, according to Sen. Wayne Fontana
“Our plan includes creating new jobs, stimulating economic development, providing educational programs for our children and adults, and protects the future public health of all Pennsylvanians.” Fontana said.
The New Deal for PA focuses on Jobs, Opportunity, Public Health, and Equity with one-time data-driven investments going to:
People — $2.470 billion
21st Century Child Care
Business Assistance
Education/Community Supports
Job Training/Workforce Development
Utility Assistance
Projects — $2.493 billion
Economic Development
Public Health — $1.185 billion
Public Health Equity/Vaccine Confidence
Rewarding Frontline Worker Service
“We have seen and heard about the pain that the people and businesses of Pennsylvania have felt over the last 14 months. The calls for support have not fallen on deaf ears. We are committed to providing the most effective support possible to Pennsylvania. This is more than just a conversation about ‘reopening’ Pennsylvania.” Fontana said, adding “We have the opportunity to not only learn from the challenges of the last year, but to quickly and effectively take action to fix not just the issues brought to light by the pandemic, but also address systemic problems caused by underfunding our state’s priorities.”
The Senate Democrats’ proposal distributes $6.05 billion from the following sources:
State Fiscal Relief Fund — $4,797,500,000
Capital Projects Fund — $280,000,000
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund– $505,000,000
Emergency Assistance for Nonpublic Schools — $150,000,000
Pandemic Response Fund — $25,000,000
Other Funds — $55,000,000
Local Matching Funds — $335,000,000
By taking this one-time federal funding and making targeted investments in people, projects, and public health, the plan is expected to directly and indirectly add approximately 63,000 jobs to the Pennsylvania based on recent research.
The New Deal for PA and the Senate Democratic Caucus are fighting to ensure a just and fast recovery so Pennsylvania can Build Back Better.
More information can be found at PASenate.com/NewDeal