Why no carbon monoxide detector requirement for Pa. daycare centers? (mcall.com)
LVIA gets $850K to upgrade boarding bridges | Lehigh Valley Regional News | wfmz.com
Boscola announces funds for Catasauqua Area School District – Lehigh Valley Press (lvpnews.com)
Coronavirus – COVID-19
Will Covid Spike Again This Fall? 6 Tips to Help You Stay Safe – Daily Local
After 17 days, the Art Museum director acknowledges striking workers | Local News | phillytrib.com
Temple University Hospital nurses and technicians unions takes step toward strike (inquirer.com)
Almost every CEO is bracing for a recession : NPR
Kroger and Albertsons plan merger to combine 2 largest supermarket chains : NPR
As the causes of U.S. inflation grow, so do the dangers | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Quality of life concerns weigh heavily on rail contract vote | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Meet York County’s most influential educators (ydr.com)
Central Bucks moves to restrict free speech of teachers, disputes ACLU suit (theintell.com)
Alvernia shows off new Pottsville CollegeTowne campus (readingeagle.com)
Temple University is canceling classes Friday for wellness day (inquirer.com)
Penn students face disciplinary hearings for campus protests (inquirer.com)
Pace pledges fresh approach to energy and schools, maintain abortion status quo in PA (goerie.com)
Merski touts record of delivering for schools, seniors and business (goerie.com)
Miller: Looking for common ground, not power struggles (buckscountycouriertimes.com)
Staats: Lowering costs to families, elevating reforms to voting (buckscountycouriertimes.com)
Berks officials plan to add security cameras at ballot drop boxes (readingeagle.com)
Democrats seek to address confusion over ‘Mike Doyle’ in Pa.12th Congressional District race | WITF
Philadelphia mail ballot drop boxes: Where to vote in the 2022 election (inquirer.com)
Gun Safety
Chester High football team visited Roxborough players in aftermath of shooting (inquirer.com)
Global animal populations reportedly shrunk 69% over the last half-century : NPR
A California project would store solar energy to use when the sun goes down : NPR
Allentown airport to upgrade passenger bridges (mcall.com)
Winter driving: What PennDOT, Pennsylvania Turnpike want you to know (ydr.com)
Both sides on Delaware County Memorial Hospital closure case meet (delcotimes.com)
$2.5 million allocated to help restore health care services to southern Chester County – Daily Local
The FDA has officially declared a shortage of ADHD drug Adderall : NPR
State News
Pennsylvania protects more farmland in the Midstate (abc27.com)
USDA sends $2M to Pennsylvania to aid rural health care | Pennsylvania | thecentersquare.com
President Biden to visit Pittsburgh on Oct. 20 | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
National News
5 people are killed in a North Carolina shooting, including a police officer : NPR
Hurricane Ian has hobbled Florida’s agriculture industry : NPR
Poor nations to demand climate justice, finance at U.N. summit : NPR
How will Social Security increases impact SNAP benefits? (abc27.com)
Netflix emerges as top bidder for studio complex at former N.J. Army base – pennlive.com
Parkland school shooter to get life sentence for killing 17 | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Local News
Lehigh gives final approval for $3 million toward Coca-Cola Park upgrades (readingeagle.com)
Harrisburg’s Second Street opens to two-way traffic for the first time in 65 years – pennlive.com
Allentown day care carbon monoxide leak: First responders saved lives (mcall.com)
PHS Green Resource Center growing accessible produce in Montgomery County (mainlinemedianews.com)
No vote but plenty of discussion on health insurance contract for Wilkes-Barre | Times Leader
Issues about Deep Woods water plan go beyond bridge’s durability | News | standardspeaker.com
Habitat for Humanity breaks ground on Larimer townhomes | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh airport auction puts cars, jewelry and more up for grabs (goerie.com)
Carrie Furnace breaks ground on tech/flex space with a film studio in the works (nextpittsburgh.com)
City Council votes to extend eviction diversion program | Local News | phillytrib.com
Harrisburg’s Second Street opens to two-way traffic for the first time in 65 years – pennlive.com
An arena destroyed D.C.’s Chinatown. Don’t make the same mistake in Philly. (inquirer.com)
Recap: Here’s what happened at the Jan. 6 committee’s ninth hearing : NPR
Jan. 6 panel shows new footage of congressional leaders scrambling for security help | WITF
Supreme Court turns away Trump objections in Mar-a-Lago classified documents case : NPR
Affirmative action is on the chopping block in Supreme Court’s latest term | Opinion (inquirer.com)