Senate Passes Hughes Workforce Development Plan

Harrisburg, June 22, 2022 – The Senate today passed a workforce development initiative authored by Sen. Vincent Hughes that will help those preparing students for the workforce better predict what employers will be looking for when they enter the job market. Hughes’...

Senate Democrats Statement on Gun Violence Discharge Resolutions

Harrisburg, PA – June 7, 2022 – Today, Pennsylvania Senate Democrats filed six discharge resolutions in an effort to move anti-gun violence and reform legislation to the floor of the State Senate for a vote. While Senate Republicans have moved bills that would make...

Hughes, Fiedler, Rally with Educators for Full School Funding

PHILADELPHIA − May 12, 2022 − With Pennsylvania sitting on more than $8 billion in excess revenue, and a dismal national ranking for school equity, state Sen. Vincent Hughes and Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler held a pre-budget school funding rally in South Philadelphia today...