Protect IVF

PA Senate Democrats

Reproductive Freedom is a Human Right.


On February 16, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a ruling that declared embryos “children” under Alabama law, an unprecedented step in narrowing crucial reproductive healthcare access for thousands of women. Our Caucus is committed to delivering quality, affordable healthcare for every Pennsylvanian, including expanding ALL reproductive freedoms. If you want to end a pregnancy, you should have that freedom. If you want to expand your family and use IVF to welcome a child into your life, you should have that freedom. We will never stop fighting for those freedoms until we ensure safe and accessible reproductive rights without barriers.

Reproductive Freedom is a Human Right
SB 475

Senate Bill 475 – Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatments

This legislation amends The Insurance Company Law of 1921 by adding language that will provide for the coverage of infertility treatments and medication.

Many couples across Pennsylvania and the nation want nothing more than to conceive a child and start a family. Unfortunately, for some couples, this is not possible without the use of costly infertility treatments that are not always covered by health insurance policies. My legislation would require all health insurance policies that provide pregnancy-related benefits within the Commonwealth to also provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

Senate Bill 602 – Ensuring Insurance Coverage for Infertility for all Pennsylvanians

This legislation will require certain employer-sponsored insurance plans to cover infertility services. According to the RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 19 states have passed fertility insurance coverage laws. Each of Pennsylvania’s border states has an infertility insurance coverage mandate. Data shows that costs associated with expanded access are nominal and offset when more people get covered. Massachusetts, the state with the most comprehensive mandate for infertility coverage, found that the cost of coverage was one of the lowest among its mandated benefits at $2.49 per member per year.

SB 602
One in Six people are affected by infertility
Everyone Deserves Reproductive Care
Keep IVF Legal
Don't Criminalize Infertility - Keep IVF Legal
“The Republican extremist position on abortion is bigger than abortion – it’s about who can make decisions about women’s bodies. They want to decide whether, when and how you can start a family, that goes from abortion to IVF, and if we aren’t careful – contraceptive care as well." Senator Jay Costa

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Republicans Struggle to Explain Away Their Hypocrisy on IVF

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