State Government 2023-2024
The Senate State Government Committee met Monday, July 8, 2024, to consider the following bill:
HB 2216 P.N. 3419 (Briggs) – Omnibus land conveyance package including properties in: Upper Merion Township, Montgomery County; The City of Philadelphia; Overfield Township, Wyoming County; Windsor Township, Berks County; Haverford Township, Delaware County; Boggs Township, Centre County; Franklin Township, Greene County; Oil City, Venango County; Bear Creek Township, Luzerne County; Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County; and land in several state parks.
The bill was reported out of committee by a unanimous vote.
- A05452 (Dush) to 2216 P.N. 3419 – Removes Section 2 in HB 2216, Conveyance of the New Freedom Theatre from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission to New Freedom Theatre Inc. in Philadelphia County.
- A05452 was amended into HB 2216 by a party line vote of 7-4.
The Senate State Government Committee met Tuesday, June 25, 2024, to consider the following bills.
Senate Bill 766, P.N. 867 (Comitta) – Adding representatives from both the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) to the State Planning Board.
- Reported as committed by a unanimous vote.
Senate Bill 1260, P.N. 1738 (Santarsiero) – Prohibiting public funds from boycotting or divesting from Israel, and prohibiting public funding to an institution of higher education that engages in a boycott against or divestment from Israel.
- Reported as committed by a vote of 9–2 with Senators Muth and A. Williams voting in opposition.
Senate Bill 1271 P.N. 1757 (Dush) – Prohibiting Title 15 entities from misleading the public regarding their governmental affiliation.
- Reported as committed by a party line vote.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 to consider the following bills:
SB 525 (Dush) providing relief for state agencies from vexatious right to know requests.
- Reported as committed by a vote of 9-2 (Senators Muth and Mastriano opposed).
SB 800 (Dush) providing that owners of farms taken via eminent domain be compensated for lost goodwill.
- A04090 (Dush) – Extends the bill to include businesses.
- A04211 (Cappelletti) – Requires the acquiring agency to publish a document for condemnees that includes details on the eminent domain process, information about the specific project, and details on the condemnee’s rights. The document must be given to the potential condemnees no less than 30 days before the filing of a declaration of taking.
- Both amendments and SB 800 as amended passed by a vote of 10-1 (Senator Williams opposed).
SR 77 (Dush) petitioning Congress for a convention of states.
- Reported as committed by a vote of 6-5 (Senators Boscola, Cappelletti, Anthony Williams, Muth and Kinm Ward opposed).
SB 1108 (Brown) declaring a statewide recognition of canine veterans.
- Reported as committed by a unanimous vote.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, and reported the following bills from committee:
SB 99, PN 438 – Amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to eliminate the use of ballot drop boxes and county satellite election offices. Reported out of committee 7-4 along party lines.
SB 250, PN 439 – Amends the Pennsylvania Election Code to require that paper ballots have specific security and anti-fraud measures. Reported out of committee 7-4 along party lines.
- A03621 – Removes 2 of the requirements for ballot security laid out in SB 250. Adopted unanimously
The Senate State Government Committee held a public hearing on Monday, March 18, 2024:
The public hearing was on cybersecurity of voting machines, and suggested principles for state statutes regarding ballot marking and vote tabulation
The Senate State Government Committee met on Monday, February 5, 2024 to consider the following:
SR 234 (MARTIN) − A Resolution urging the President of the United States to secure our border and provide the needed policies and resources to protect American citizens and communities throughout this country from the effects of illegal immigration.
The resolution passed by a vote of 8-3 with Senators Cappelletti, Muth, and Anthony Williams voting in the negative.
The Senate State Government Committee held a Public Hearin on Monday, January 22, 2024 to discuss the use of Eminent Domain in PA
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 to consider the following:
SB 228 (Phillips-Hill) – Provides for museum unclaimed loaned property.
SB 634 (Pennycuick) – Amends the Right-to-Know Law to exempt disability accommodations.
SB 847 (Baker) – Authorizing the release of Project 70 restrictions on certain land owned by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission in Overfield Township, Wyoming County.
SB 686 (Gebhard) – Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Department of Agriculture and the Governor, to grant and convey to Joshua R. Snyder a certain tract of land located in Windsor Township, Berks County.
HB 1419 (Pielli) – Amends Title 15 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in foreign associations, further providing for termination of registration.
- All bills passed unanimously without amendment.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Monday, November 13, 2023 to consider the following:
HB 1556 (Klunk): Amending the Right-to-Know Law, in State-related institutions, further providing for reporting, for contents of report and for copies and posting and providing for contracts.
The bill passed unanimously without amendment.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 to consider the following:
SB 210 (Brooks) Allowing charging of commercial fees to Right-to-Know documents.
- Passed Unanimously
SB 399 (Stefano) Requiring pre-disclosure of collective bargaining agreement terms.
- A02034 – Removed the provision of the bill that makes collective bargaining agreements for public employees accessible through the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law and the requirement for disclosure of correspondence and related documents. Adopted 7-3 (Sen. Boscola absent)
- Passed by a vote of 7-3 (Sen. Boscola absent)
SB 723 (Phillips-Hill) Increasing the 1-year ban on lobbying by retired public officials to 2 years.
- Passed unanimously
The Senate State Government Committee met on Monday, September 18, 2023 to consider the following:
SB 224 (Argall) – Moves the 2024 primary election date to the 3rd Tuesday in March (March 19, 2024).
- A01952 – Moves the petition circulating period from January 2, 2024 to January 23, 2024.
A01952 was adopted by a vote of 7-3 (Senators Cappelletti, Muth, and A. Williams opposed, Sen. Boscola was absent).
SB 224 passed by a vote of 9-1 (Sen. Muth opposed).
The Senate State Government Committee met on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 to consider the following:
SB 224 (Argall) – Permanently moves the primary election date in years which the president is elected to the 3rd Tuesday in March.
- A01923 – Makes the primary election date change just for 2024, not permanent.
SB 224 and the amendment both passed unanimously.
The Senate State Government Committee met on Monday, June 26, 2023 to consider the following:
SB 282 (Vogel) – An Act preventing the Commonwealth from dealing with persons associated with the Government of Russia or the Government of Belarus; and imposing duties on the Treasury Department and the Attorney General.
- Reported as committed by a unanimous vote
SB 829 (Aument) – An Act authorizing the Department of General Services, with the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Governor, to grant and convey certain easements through and across lands of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the Township of Manheim, County of Lancaster, for purposes of a road realignment project and to accept from the Township of Manheim existing right-of-way to be abandoned as part of the road realignment project.
- Reported as committed by a unanimous vote
SB 125 (Dush) – An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, in general provisions relating to insurance companies, associations and exchanges, providing for use of genetic information for insurance purposes.
- Reported out as committed by a party line vote (7-4)
Recommendation of Al Schmidt to serve as Secretary of the Commonwealth.
- Reported out favorably with Sen. Mastriano voting opposed
The Senate State Government Committee met Tuesday, June 6, 2023 to consider the nomination of Acting Secretary Reggie McNeil to be the Secretary of the Department of General Services
The nomination was reported out unanimously with a favorable recommendation.
The Senate State Government Committee met on May 9, 2023 and reported the following bills from committee:
Senate Bill 246 (Argall): updating communication requirements for Governor or Lieutenant Governor in the event they are incapacitated.
- A00497 – Technical amendment to replace the term “incapacitation” with “disability” in line with the Constitution. Passed unanimously
- Vote: The bill was reported out unanimously as amended
Senate Bill 355 (Dush): making it a felony to tamper with or destroy documents requested under Right to Know (RTK) laws.
- Vote: The bill was reported out with a vote of 9-2 with Senators Cappelletti and A. Williams voting in the negative
Senate Bill 383 (Cappelletti): making it unlawful for candidates or committees to solicit prescheduled donations without express opt-in consent.
- A00505 – Technical amendment to provide for further clarity and penalties. Passed unanimously
- Vote: The bill was reported out unanimously as amended
Senate Bill 408 (Phillips-Hill): requiring the Secretary of State to post regular updates regarding their notification obligations for constitutional amendments.
- Vote: The bill was reported out unanimously
Senate Bill 425 (Dush): removing the requirement that courts defer to state agency regulations when contested.
- Vote: the bill was reported out with a party line vote of 7-4
The Senate State Government Committee met on April 25, 2023 and reported out the following:
- SB 255 (Farry): Extends the requirement for filing a statement of financial interests to all candidates who appear on the ballot in a General Election.
- SB 245 passed unanimously
- SB 423 (J Ward): Allows SERS recipients to work as firefighter instructors without losing benefits.
- SB 423 passed unanimously
The Senate State Government Committee met on April 24, 2023 and reported out the following:
- SB 402 – An Act providing for the annual designation and holiday observance of the fifteenth day of the Hindu lunisolar month of Kartik as “Diwali Day” in this Commonwealth.
- The bill was reported out of committee unanimously.
- SR 65 – A Resolution petitioning the Congress of the United States to extend daylight saving time throughout the year across the country.
- The resolution was reported out of committee unanimously.
The Senate State Government Committee met on January 9, 2023 and reported out the following:
- SB 1 (Laughlin) – Constitutional Amendment providing for voter identification requirements to cast a ballot in each election. Passed 8-3 with Senators Cappelletti, Muth, and A. Williams voting in the negative.
- A00004 – Provides that the General Assembly’s disapproval of a regulation would not be required to be presented to the governor. Passed 8-3 with Senators Cappelletti, Muth, and A. Williams voting in the negative.
- SB 130 (Coleman) – Constitutional Amendment providing for election audits after each election by the Auditor General. In years when the Auditor General stands for election, an independent auditor will be appointed. Passed 8-3 with Senators Cappelletti, Muth, and A. Williams voting in the negative.

Senator Amanda Cappelletti
Committee Chair