Rules & Executive Nominations 2023-2024
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 and reported out the following bill and resolution:
SB 267 (Brooks) – Adds urgent care centers to the Safe Harbor laws.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 1237 (Baker) – Updates the Underground Utility Line Protection Law.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, October 21, 2024 and reported out the following bill and resolution:
SB 1232 (Pennycuick) – Amends the Workers’ Compensation Act to provide for the direct deposit of compensation payments.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SR 359 (Pittman) – A Resolution proposing a special rule of practice and procedure in the Senate when sitting on the refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Senate standing committee.
- The resolution was reported out by a vote of 11-6.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
SB 801 (Aument) – Creates a new Article in the School Code requiring schools to use structured literacy to support students learning to read in kindergarten through third grade.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 1080 (Culver) – Amends the Vital Statistics Law to allow Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) to make death pronouncements in hospice settings.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 1241 (Gebhard) – Amends Act 825 of 1921 known as the Insurance Department Act regarding pre-examination education requirements for Insurance Producers.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
Waiting for the following bills from the House:
SB 1051 (Hutchinson) – Amends the Tax Reform Code of 1971 to provide for an extended filing period for making a petition to the Board of Finance & Revenue and newly creates a settlement conference process related to an appeal in order to facilitate a settlement between a petitioner and the Department of Revenue.
SB 1118 (Stefano/Costa) – Amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and Title 75 (Vehicles) by permitting a person identified by a magisterial district judge to complete community service, in lieu of outstanding fines and fees, in order to avoid a suspension of driving privileges.
SB 1213 (Pennycuick) – Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) § 3131 unlawful dissemination of intimate image, § 6312 sexual abuse of children, § 6321 transmission of sexually explicit images by minor to include as violations images that were created by using artificial intelligence or photo editing software.
SB 1274 (Robinson) – Modernizes Act 57 of 2004. Act 57 of 2004 created the Sign Language Interpreter and Transliterator State Registration Act.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, October 7, 2024 and reported out the following resolution:
SR 334 (Coleman) – A Resolution directing the President of the Senate to instruct the Sergeant-at-Arms to bring Patrick M. Browne, Secretary of Revenue, before the bar of the Senate for refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by the Committee on Intergovernmental Operations.
- The resolution was reported out by a 11-5, party line vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Thursday, July 11, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 831 (Yaw) – This bill would set up regulatory framework for carbon capture and storage.
- The bill was reported out by a vote of 16-1.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Thursday, July 11, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 1246 (Kearney) – Codifies PennDOT’s existing State Safety Oversight Office so that PennDOT remains in compliance with requirements from the Federal Transit Administration.
- The bill was unanimously reported out.
SB 654 (Bartolotta) – This bill establishes a percentage-based deduction for the depletion of mine, oil, and gas wells, and other natural resources when calculating Pennsylvania Income Tax (PIT).
- A05533 – Tax code changes to implement the 2024-25 State Budget. Adopted (15-2)
- The bill was reported out as amended (15-2).
SB 656 (Rothman) – Requires owners of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to pay an annual road user charge.
- The bill was reported out (16-1).
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 447 (Mastriano) – This bill would formally establish the PA VETConnect program in law under the DMVA.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, July 8, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 298 (Robinson) – Permits certain vehicles with removable doors to be driven on roadways.
- The bill was reported out by a vote of 16-1.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Thursday, July 3, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
SB 82 (Phillips-Hill) – This bill makes various changes to the Dog Law, such as eliminating the requirement for a Pennsylvania boarding kennel to ensure that a dog entering the facility has an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 916 (Langerholc) – Creates the “Pennsylvania Sportsman” vehicle registration plate; codifies the process for which illegible military registration plates are replaced; and authorizes the transportation of agricultural products to residences via a truck bearing a farm vehicle registration plate.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 1144 (Langerholc) – Designates multiple roads and bridges across the Commonwealth.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 1000 (J. Ward) – Amends the Pharmacy Audit Integrity and Transparency Act by expanding the scope of the act to include pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) contract requirements, outlines prohibited activities of PBMs, and provides the Pennsylvania Insurance Department with oversight duties regarding PBMs.
- Gone over.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, July 2, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
SB 1173 (Stefano) – Amends the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act to provide for wholesale transactions.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
HB 613 (Harris) – A nonpreferred appropriation to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.
- A05392 (Pittman) – Funding for certain State-aided universities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. Adopted unanimously.
- The bill was reported out, as amended, unanimously.
SB 1000 (J. Ward) – Amends the Pharmacy Audit Integrity and Transparency Act by expanding the scope of the act to include pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) contract requirements, outlines prohibited activities of PBMs, and provides the Pennsylvania Insurance Department with oversight duties regarding PBMs.
- Gone over.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 739 (Vogel) – Amends Title 40 (Insurance) by providing for telemedicine.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 126 (Mastriano) – Amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the exclusion of 100% of a veteran’s federal disability compensation or pension from income calculations for any Commonwealth program or benefit.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, June 10, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 126 (Mastriano) – Amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the exclusion of 100% of a veteran’s federal disability compensation or pension from income calculations for any Commonwealth program or benefit.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, June 3, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 277 (Yaw) – Amends the Rural Pennsylvania Revitalization Act to change the composition of the board and to establish the Rural Population Revitalization Commission.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, May 6, and reported out the following bills and resolution:
SB 37 (Brown) – Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) to prohibit distracted driving and requires police departments to collect certain data during traffic stops.
- A04141 (Pittman) – The amendment reinstates language that provides an exception for amateur radio operators, which was removed by the House; and allows emergency service providers to text while driving in private vehicles when responding to emergency situations. Adopted unanimously.
- The bill was reported out, as amended, unanimously.
SB 269 (Gebard) – Amends the Tax Reform Code of 1971 by providing for a volunteer emergency medical technician (EMT) tax credit.
- A04334 (Gebhard) – Reduces the PIT from 3.07 percent to 2.8 percent and eliminates the Gross Receipts Tax on utilities; and transfers $6 million annually to the Alternative Fuels Incentive Fund. Adopted (11-5)
- The bill was reported out, as amended, by a vote of 11-5.
SR 252 (Martin) – A Resolution adopting a temporary rule of the Senate relating solely to amendments to the General Appropriation Bill and other appropriation bills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, including any amendments offered to or for supplemental appropriations for prior fiscal years.
- The resolution was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 and reported out the following bill:
SB 497 (Robinson) – Creates the Max Manufacturing (“MM”) Initiative Act which establishes the MM Equipment and Integrated Systems Grant Program and the MM Endeavor Loan Program for advanced manufacturing. Reported out as amended (11-6).
- A03947 (Pittman) – Provides for prevailing wage and removes language the House added to the bill requiring project labor agreements. Adopted by a vote of 11-6.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on December 13, 2023 and reported out the following bills:
HB 301 (Harkins) – The bill makes several amendments to the Public School Code as part of the 2023-2024 budget plan.
- Reported out by a vote of 16-1.
- Motion to Revert to Prior Printer Number 2311. Vote: 17-0.
SB 843 (Argall) – The bill makes several amendments to the Public School Code as part of the 2023-2024 budget plan.
- Reported out, as amended, unanimously.
- A03343 – Adopted unanimously.
HB 1300 (Mehaffie) – Amends the Fiscal Code – implementation language for the fiscal year 2023-24 budget.
- Reported out, as amended, unanimously.
- A03358 – Adopted unanimously.
- A03350 – Motion to table amendment, Vote: 11-6.
SB 44 (Dush) – The bill updates and adds definitions related to sex trafficking and commercial sex acts.
- Reported out unanimously.
SB 361 (J. Ward) – This legislation increases the number of judges on the court of common pleas in 10 judicial districts.
- Reported out unanimously.
SB 527 (Farry) – Creates a new criminal offense in Title 18 for the unlawful taking of mail.
- Reported out unanimously.
SB 596 (Argall) – The bill would amend Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) by lowering the thresholds to charge an individual under § 3929.3, Organized retail theft.
- Reported out by vote of 15-2.
SB 683 (Mastriano) – Amends Title 35 to require an emergency department within an acute care hospital to test for fentanyl and xylazine if a urine drug screening is conducted to assist in diagnosing a patient’s condition.
- Reported out unanimously.
SB 815 (Baker) – Amends the Tax Reform Code to allow the grantor of an irrevocable trust to retain the tax liability for income generated by the trust and expands the Qualified Manufacturing Innovation and Reinvestment Deduction program.
- Reported out unanimously.
SB 838 (Baker) – Amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedures) to provide comprehensive probation reforms.
- Reported out by a vote of 16-1.
SB 941 (Brooks) – Amends the Administrative Code of 1929, as it relates to the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) by providing for staffing requirements flexibilities for licensed addiction treatment programs during an opioid epidemic.
- Reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and reported out the following bills:
SB 773 (Gebhard) – Updates the Medical Marijuana Act.
- The bill was reported out by a vote of 15-2.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 and reported out the following bills:
SB 500 (Brooks/Schwank) – Amends the Human Services Code to provide coverage for pasteurized human donor milk under the Medical Assistance program.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, October 23, 2023 and reported out the following bills:
SB 694 (Farry) – The bill eliminates an obsolete provision within the Fireworks Law and establishes a requirement for registration with the Attorney General.
- The bill was reported out by a vote of 16-1.
SB 851 (Langerholc) – The bill amends Title 75 (Vehicles) to make a number of technical changes to the School Bus Stop-Arm Camera Program and eliminates the October 24, 2023 expiration of the program.
- The bill was reported out by a vote of 16-1.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, October 16, 2023 and reported out the following bill:
HB 1351 (Frankel) – Amends the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority (RHRCA) Act by providing updates to board membership terms and permits the General Assembly to appropriate funding to the authority.
- The bill was reported out, as amended, 16-0.
- A02562 (Pittman) – Provides for the following:
- The Hospital QCA – the hospital assessment.
- EMS reimbursement as passed by the Senate in HB 1300.
- Rebasing for nursing home assessment.
- Adopted (16-0).
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 and reported out the following:
SB 621 (Comitta) – The bill designates several roads and bridges.
- The bill was reported out, as amended, unanimously.
- A02283 (Pittman) – Adds additional roads and bridges. Adopted unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 and reported out the following:
SB 829 (Aument) – The bill provides for five land conveyances.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, June 26, 2023 and reported out the following:
SB 146 (Brewster) – The bill allows veterans and other groups to fish for free if they are participating in therapeutic recreation events hosted by the PA Fish and Boat Commission.
- The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 460 (Bartolotta) – This bill establishes the Child Reunification Program which requires schools to provide child identification/DNA kits for families to keep at home in the event the child goes missing.
- The bill was reported out, as amended, unanimously.
- Amendment A00506 (Bartolotta) – Strikes out the word “inkless.” Adopted unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 and reported out the following:
SR 74 (Martin) – A Resolution adopting a temporary rule of the Senate relating solely to amendments to the General Appropriation Bill and other appropriation bills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, including any amendments offered to or for supplemental appropriations for prior fiscal years.
The resolution was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on January 10, 2023 and reported out the following:
SB 1 (Laughlin) – Proposing separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution. (1) Providing for voter identification and (2) providing that the General Assembly’s disapproval of a regulation would not be required to be presented to the governor.
- Amendment A00013 – Amends the Pennsylvania Constitution providing for a two-year window reviving claims related to childhood sexual assault. Sen. Costa offered a motion to table the amendment, the motion failed by a vote of 6-11. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 11-6.
- The bill was reported out as amended by a vote of 11-6.
SB 130 (Coleman) – Constitutional amendment requiring the Auditor General to audit elections and election results each year.
- The bill was reported out as committed by a vote of 11-6.

Senator Jay Costa
Committee Chair, Democratic Leader