Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure 2023-2024
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met on Monday, October 7, 2024 to consider the following legislation:
A05903 (Stefano) to HB 2189– a gut-and-replace amendment inserting language from SB1237 (Baker) with provisions added for damage prevention investigations, a statute of limitations on recovery and a sunset date of December 31, 2031.
The amendment was adopted by the Committee, unanimously (14:0).
HB 2189 (Matzie) – Reauthorizes and updates the Underground Utility Line Protection Law (Act 287 of 1974), commonly referred to as the PA One-Call Law.
The bill was reported out by the Committee, as amended, unanimously (14:0).
HB 2294 (Venkat) – Amends the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act to allow physician assistants to enter supervising agreements with physicians licensed under the State Board of Medicine.
The bill was reported out by the Committee, unanimously (14:0).
A05765 (Stefano) to HB 2295 – provides for technical corrections to the definitions for “doctor of osteopathy or osteopathic doctor” and “primary supervising physician”.
- The amendment was adopted by the Committee, unanimously (14:0).
HB 2295 (Venkat) – Amends the Medical Practice Act to allow physician assistants to enter supervising agreements with physicians licensed under the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine.
The bill was reported out by the Committee, as amended, unanimously (14:0).
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met on Monday, July 1, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
SB 25 (Bartolotta) – Amends the Professional Nursing Law to further provide for the scope of practice for advanced practice registered nurse-certified nurse practitioners, for licensure by the State Board of Nursing, and for title protection.
- Reported as amended (9Y:5N) on Party Lines with Senate D’s voting in the negative.
Amendment to SB 25, A05357 (Pennycuick) – Establishes the Rural Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner Health Care Access Program to license rural certified registered nurse practitioners for practice as primary health care practitioners in rural areas of the Commonwealth under the program.
- The Committee approved the amendment, (8Y:6N) with Chairwoman Boscola and Sen. Coleman, Sen. Collett, Sen. Dillon, Sen. Flynn & Sen. Santarsiero voting in the negative.
HB 1820 (Bullock) – Amends the Cosmetology Law to de-license natural hair braiders and provide for natural hair braiding requirements.
- Reported unanimously (14:0)
HB 2200 (Burns) – Amends Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) to
require individuals applying for a license, certificate, registration, or permit as a health care practitioner to submit fingerprints to the Pennsylvania State Police.
- Reported unanimously (14:0)
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met this morning, Thursday, June 27, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
SB 1242 (J. Ward) – Amends Title 63 (Professional and Occupations (State Licensed)) to provide for a continuing education tracking system.
- Reported unanimously (14:0)
SB 1255 (Farry) – Amends the Outpatient Psychiatric Oversight Act, further providing for the definition of Advanced practice professional.
- Reported as amended unanimously (14:0)
Amendment A05192 – Changes the effective date of the act from 60 days to immediately.
ü The Committee approved the amendment, unanimously (14:0)
HB 1619 (Ryncavage) – Amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) adding a new section addressing double utility poles.
- Reported unanimously (14:0)
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met this morning, Tuesday, June 25, 2024 and reported out the following bills:
Senate Bill 540 (Langerholc) – Amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) to provide for mechanical insulation.
- Reported as amended unanimously (14:0)
- A05106 (Stefano) – Requires mechanical insulation to be cost effective for plan approval.
- The Committee approved the amendment, unanimously (14:0)
Senate Bill 1031 (A. Williams) – Amends the Cosmetology Law to eliminate licensure of a natural hair braider and provide for natural hair braiding requirements.
- Reported unanimously (14:0)
House Bill 491 (Young) – Establishes the Mechanical Insulation Act to provide for mechanical insulation.
- Reported as amended unanimously (14:0)
- A05107 (Stefano) – Reverts to prior printer’s number to place the language in Title 66 (Public Utilities) and requires mechanical insulation to be cost effective for plan approval.
- The Committee approved the amendment, unanimously (14:0)
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 and reported the following bills from committee:
Senate Bill 1165 (Boscola): Amends Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) to provide for criminal history background checks for health care practitioners.
- Reported as committed, unanimously [14-Y | 0-N]
Senate Bill 1173 (Stefano): Amends the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act to provide for wholesale transactions.
- Reported as committed, with Senator Coleman voting in the negative [13-Y | 1-N]
Senate Bill 1174 (Stefano): Amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) to provide for a public utility waiver petition.
- Reported as committed, with Senators Collett, Dillon, Flynn and Santarsiero voting in the negative [10-Y | 4-N]
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met Wednesday, December 13, 2023 and reported the following bills from committee:
Senate Bill 559 (Baker): Amends the Medical Practice Act of 1985 to provide for athletic trainers.
- Amendment #A02614 (Stefano): Changes the definition of “physically active person” to reflect certain population groups.
- VOTE on AMENDMENT: The amendment was adopted 14 Y : 0 N.
- VOTE: The bill was reported out of committee unanimously, as amended.
Senate Bill 560 (Baker): Amends the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act to provide for athletic trainers.
- Amendment #A02615 (Stefano): Changes the definition of “physically active person” to reflect certain population groups.
- VOTE on AMENDMENT: The amendment was adopted 14 Y : 0 N.
- VOTE: The bill was reported out of committee unanimously, as amended.
Senate Bill 1017 (Boscola): Amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) to provide for the reauthorization of Chapter 14: Responsible Utility Consumer Protection.
- VOTE: The bill was reported out of committee unanimously.
Senate Bill 1019 (Stefano): Amends the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act to establish associate marriage and family therapists and associate professional counselor licenses.
- VOTE: The bill was reported out of committee unanimously.
House Bill 1295 (Mullins): Amends Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) to provide for hearing requirements in disciplinary matters.
- VOTE: The bill was reported out of committee unanimously.
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 to consider the following bills:
Senate Bill 142 (Mastriano): Amends the Funeral Director Law to provide for licensure in the event of a deceased licensee.
- Reported unanimously, 14:0.
Senate Bill 403 (Baker): Amends the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law to provide updates to the practice of engineering, engineer interns and distance education.
- Reported as Amended, unanimously, 14:0.
A02045 (Stefano): Removes the requirement for land surveying experience to occur after the surveyor-in-training certificate is issued.
- Amendment A02045, adopted unanimously, 14:0.
Senate Bill 910 (Coleman): Amends Title 63 (Professions and Occupations (State Licensed)) to provide for expungement of certain penalties.
- Reported unanimously, 14:0.
The Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee met on Janaury 18, 2023 and took the following action:
SB 155 (Brooks) – Adds motorcycles to the automobile lemon law.
Reported as Committed – Unanimous Vote

Senator Lisa Boscola
Committee Chair