Communications & Technology 2023-2024
The Senate Communications and Technology Committee met on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 to consider the following bill:
Reported as Amended:
HB 1201 PN 2442 (Neilson) – Establishes the Consumer Data Privacy Act to give consumers rights as to how their personal data can be used or sold, and to require business entities to protect consumer privacy and limit consumer data collection.
- Amendment A05190 (Pennycuick) – Clarifies private right of action and changes the effective date from six months to one year and makes related date changes.
The amendment and the bill as amended were unanimously adopted.
The Senate Communications and Technology Committee met on Tuesday, April 30, 2023 to consider the following bills:
Reported as Amended:
Senate Bill 85, P.N. 34 (Phillips-Hill) – Amends Title 66 (Public Utilities) to repeal several sections of the public utility code removing requirements placed on telecommunication carriers and certain oversight by the PUC.
- Amendment A04170 (Phillips-Hill) – Makes changes to Network Modernization plan requirements.
The amendment and the bill as amended were approved by a vote of 7-4.
Senate Resolution 223, P.N. 1370 (Baker) – Resolution urging the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to issue a rule to require automakers to maintain free AM broadcast radio in new vehicles.
- Amendment No. 04196 (Pennycuick) – Technical correction and includes language related to the Federal Communications Commission.
The amendment and the bill as amended were approved by a vote of 10-1.
The Senate Communications and Technology Committee met on Monday, March 6, 2023 to consider the following bill:
Reported as Committed:
- Senate Bill 379 (Phillips-Hill) – This legislation would ban TikTok from being used on state-owned networks and state-owned devices. The bill was unanimously adopted.

Senator Jimmy Dillon
Committee Chair