Banking & Insurance 2023-2024
The Banking & Insurance Committee met on Monday, October 7, 2024 to vote on the following bill:
HB 2268 (Markosek) – Providing Insurance Coverage of Speech Therapy for Stuttering.
The bill passed out of committee unanimously.
The Banking & Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 to vote on the following bills:
- SB967 Aument – Portable Benefits for App Based Workers.
- Amendment A05606 was adopted by a vote of 8-6 with Senator Robinson joining all Democrats in voting no.
- SB967 was reported as amended by a vote of 8-6 with Senator Robinson joining all Democrats in voting no.
- SB1320 DiSanto/Street – Amends the Money Transmitter Act to add virtual currency.
- SB1320 was reported as committed by unanimous vote.
The Banking & Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 to vote on the following bills:
SB1241 (Gebhard)– Removal of Pre-Examination Education Requirement for Insurance Producers
- Technical amendment changing effective date to 180 days.
HB 1664 (Scott) – Virtual Credit Card Legislation
- Amendment adding the provisions of House Bill 1867 regarding payment claims made to health care providers not referenced in House Bill 1664. The bill also adds a new chapter in Title 40 regarding procedures for electronic transmission of insurance notice and documents.
HB 1754 (Mullins/Cutler)– Precision Medicine Biomarker Testing
HB 2096 (Warren) – Surplus Line Fees
All bills and amendments passed unanimously.
The Banking & Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 to vote on the following bills:
The agenda was as follows:
- SB1084 Rothman – Modernizing the Uniform Commercial Code
- HB660 Schlossberg – Pet Insurance
Both bills passed unanimously.
The Banking and Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 vote on the following bill:
Senate Bill 1092 – DiSanto – This legislation amends Title 40 to increase the cap on value added products which may be offered as a rebate or inducement by an insurance provider to a consumer from $100 to $125.
This legislation was passed unanimously from committee.
The Banking and Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 to consider the following bills:
The nomination of Wendy Spicher as Secretary of Banking and Securities.
- The nomination passed unanimously.
SB 943 – Senator Phillips-Hill – This legislation amends and enhances the Travel Insurance Modernization Act enacted in 2018 by aligning it with the Model Act created by National Association of Insurance Commissioners and National Council of Insurance Legislators.
- SB943 passed unanimously.
The Banking and Insurance Committee met on Thursday, June 22, 2023 to consider the following nomination:
- Michael Humphreys as Insurance Commissioner
The Banking and Insurance Committee met on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 to consider the following bills:
SB 8 (K.Ward) – Coverage for mammographic examinations and diagnostic breast imaging and providing for coverage for BRCA-related genetic counseling and genetic testing
SB8 passed unanimously out of committee.
Senator Sharif Street
Committee Chair