Agriculture & Rural Affairs 2023-2024
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee met on Monday, October 7, 2024 to consider the following bills:
HB 2451 (Rep Cepeda-Freytiz) – Eliminates prohibitions and limitations for Certified Poultry Technicians. 8 yes – 3 no
HB 2561 (Rep Howard) – Extends the expiration of existing temporary regulations to October 19, 2028 and gives the State Horse Racing Commission the authority to issue temporary regulations to comply with pending provisions required under the new Federal Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA)
SB 1297 (Sens Vogel/Schwank) – Amends the Milk Marketing Law (Act of April 28, 1937) and allows the PA Milk Board to establish and collect a board established premium.
Unless noted, all were passed unanimously by a 11-0 vote.
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee met on Monday, June 24, 2024 to consider three bills:
SB 82 (Sen Phillips-Hill) – extends fee exemptions to a service dog used in the performance of services by a police department, fire department or sheriff’s office. Amendment and bill was passed unanimously 11-0.
- Amendment A05073 – amends the Dog Law to eliminate the requirement for a Pennsylvania boarding kennel to require the owner of a dog entering the boarding kennel to have an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection accompany the dog based on certain conditions, requires a 14-day quarantine unless the imported dog has a certification by a veterinarian that certain tests, treatments and vaccinations have been done. It also makes other technical changes.
SB 1269 (Sen. Aument) – establishes the Agriculture Innovation Grant Program. Vote: 9-2
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee met on Monday, November 13, 2023 to considered the following bills:
Unless noted, all were passed unanimously by a 11-0 vote.
SB 979 (Sen. Culver): Amends Title 3 (Agriculture) Ch. 23 (Domestic Animals), providing for posted notice with information on dangerous transmissible diseases.
HB 1540 (Rep. Parker): Changes the due date for the annual report of the Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence and addresses the way vacancies are filled.
*A02933 (Sen. Vogel): clarifies that vacancies are nominated from a list submitted
HB 1661 (Rep. Metzger): Amends the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to define xylazine, and provide for prohibited uses with veterinary use exemptions.
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee met on Monday, October 23, 2023 to considered the following bills:
Both were passed unanimously by a 11-0 vote.
HB 295 (Rep. Rabb): Amends the Soil and Plant Amendment Act to realign the product registration process and tonnage reporting with that of fertilizer.
HB 1170 (Rep. Sappey): Renames the Milk Marketing Board to the Pennsylvania Milk Board
The Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs and Game & Fisheries Committees held a joint hearing on Monday, October 23, 2023 to discuss crop damage with the PFB and the PGC:
The Senate and House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee held a joint hearing on Wednesday, August 9, 2023 on the 2023 Federal Farm Bill
The Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee met on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 to considered the following bills:
Unless noted, all were passed unanimously by a 11-0 vote.
HB 156 (Rep. Pashinski): Makes technical corrections to Title 3 (Agriculture) in Chapter 68 (Fertilizer law)
HB 157 (Rep. Pashinski/Rep. Madden): Establishes the PA Preferred® Organic Program within the PA Department of Agriculture
SB 746 (Sen. Vogel): amends the Dog Law providing updates in kennel fees and licensing.
A00817 (Sen. Vogel) : restores an exemption that currently exists under Section 212 for dogs in the state temporarily
The Senate Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee held a meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 and voted unanimously to favorably move the nomination of Acting Secretary Russell Redding to the Senate for consideration.
The committee also considered the bills below. Unless noted, all were passed unanimously by a 11-0 vote.
SB 152 (Sen J. Ward) – Repeals the Frozen Dessert Law of 1965.
SB 277 (Sen Yaw ) – Amends the Rural Pennsylvania Revitalization Act of 1987 to restructure the board of directors for the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.
SB 694 ( Sen Farry ) – Amends title 3 Agriculture as it pertains to the sale of fireworks.
Senator Judy Schwank
Committee Chair