Rules & Executive Nominations 2021-2022
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 225 (Phillips-Hill) – This legislation will amend the Insurance Company Law of 1921 in order to streamline and modernize the process for prior authorization of medical services in Pennsylvania.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 522 (Baker) – The bill establishes the Childhood Blood Lead Test Act.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 696 (Laughlin) – Requires state and local governments, as well as state contractors and public schools, to notify individuals when their personal, health insurance, or medical information was or may have been disclosed to an unauthorized party due to a security breach.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 806 (Yaw) – Requires oil and natural gas production companies to provide specific information as well as timely payment of moneys owed from oil and natural gas production.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1083 (Baker) – This legislation would clarify that a spouse’s move to follow their active duty spouse will not be considered voluntary if the Department of Labor and Industry determines that continued employment would be impractical or unreasonably difficult and allows a business that was shutdown for an extended period of time due the COVID-19 pandemic to continue to receive experienced based rate deeming employers to have paid contributions even if no contributions were made.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1152 (Mastriano) – This bill establishes the Overdose Mapping Act and directs the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) to launch an overdose information network to electronically track known or suspected overdoses throughout this Commonwealth.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1194 (Mensch) – Amends Title 51 (Military Affairs) to establish the Military College Educational Assistance Program to provide tuition assistance to PA National Guard members.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1208 (Browne) – Amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) by clarifying that the court may turn unpaid court costs, restitution, and fines over to collections if a defendant fails for appear at a financial determination hearing.
- The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 736 (Langerholc) – Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) by further providing for use of farm vehicle plates and increases the maximum allowable distance of an emergency shut-off device.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 11-6, with all Democratic senators voting in the negative.
SB 1123 (Mastriano) – Amends Title 75 (Vehicles) by allowing tow truck drivers to install and operate rear-facing blue lights.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Friday, July 8, 2022 and reported out the following:
HB 1421 (Thomas) – The bill makes several amendments to the Fiscal Code to implement components of the budget agreement including several provisions that carry‐forward or extend existing language, as well as new additions.
- Amendment A05438 (K. Ward) – Adds Article XVI-T – Human Services
- The amendment was adopted by a unanimous vote
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Thursday, July 7, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 106 (Argall) – This is a joint resolution proposing separate and distinct amendments to the Constitution to allow each candidate for Governor to select his or her running mate as Lieutenant Governor, further providing for action on concurrent orders and resolutions, providing for executive orders, providing for election audits, and for qualifications of electors.
Amendment A05334 –
- Adds a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
- Amends the proposed constitutional amendment related to Voter ID.
- Amends the proposed constitutional amendment related to election audits.
- Removes the proposed constitutional amendment related to executive orders.
The amendment was adopted by a vote of 11-6 vote.
Amendment A05395 (A. Williams) – Elimination of property taxes.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05392 (Fontana) – Extreme risk protection orders.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05387 (Fontana) – Military-grade assault weapons ban.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05386 (Costa) – General Assembly providing for campaign finance laws.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05411 (Muth) – Recognition of marriages regardless of race, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, color, religion, ancestry, national origin or ethnicity.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05391 (Collett) – No Commonwealth interference in access to contraception.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05403 (Muth) – Fundamental right to privacy. Requiring GA to enact these rights via marriage equality; contraception; abortion pre-viability and in cases of rape, incest or danger to life of the mother; and nondiscrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Amendment A05418 (Costa) – Addresses reapportionment aspect of independent state legislature theory.
Motion to table the amendment, passed 11-6
Sen. A. Williams motion to table the bill – failed 6-11.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as amended, by a vote of 11-6.
SB 1100 (Browne) – The bill is the General Appropriations Act for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1222 (DiSanto) – This bill adopts the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ (NAIC) model for conducting Group Capital Calculations (GCC) and Liquidity Stress Tests (LST) and provides for peer-to-peer car sharing.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1171 (Hutchinson) – The bill removes restrictions on the number of axles mandated for trucks hauling pulpwood or wood chips with heavy hauling permits; exempts government-owned or local government contractor vehicles providing materials for construction or maintenance from restrictions on the use of highways; provides for baled garbage; permits commercial implements of husbandry to be driven on freeways under certain conditions; and exempts certain motor vehicles transporting property to or from an amateur competitive event.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1284 (Browne) – The bill provides for funding for state-related universities and the Agricultural College Land Scrip Fund for the 2022-23 fiscal year.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
HB 1642 (White) – The bill includes provisions to implement components of the budget package and other changes to the Public School Code. This includes language relating to pre‐k through 12 education, higher education, and continuing education.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 16-1.
SB 1093 (Gebhard) – The bill allows for the installation of energy-efficient lighting on signs used for outdoor advertising and prohibits the removal of certain signs owned by service clubs, charitable associations, or religious service organizations.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 382 (Langerholc) – This legislation makes significant changes to the P3 Law in Pennsylvania.
- Amendment A05375 (K. Ward) – Technical amendment.
- The amendment was adopted by a unanimous vote.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as amended, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 251 (Yaw) – The bill establishes best practices for fertilizer use by providing for the labeling, application, recordkeeping, packaging, use, sale and distribution of agricultural fertilizer as well as turf or other specialty fertilizer.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 382 (Langerholc) – This legislation makes significant changes to the P3 Law in Pennsylvania.
- Amendment A05360 (K. Ward) – Makes a number of changes to the bill including the following:
- Allowing for optional user fees on new projects – would need to be approved by the board unanimously.
- A user fee may not be imposed as part of a P3 transportation project, unless the user fee is imposed only on individuals who select optional means to transit the transportation facility, such as limited access lanes.
- Reinstates the General Assembly’s review process.
- The amendment was adopted by a unanimous vote.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as amended, by a unanimous vote.
SB 764 (Argall) – The bill includes provisions relating to procedures and training for publication of constitutional amendments.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 814 (Yudichak) – The bill adds additional offenses of “evading arrest or detention on foot” and “harming a police animal while evading arrest or detention” to the Crimes Code.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, along a party line vote of 11-6.
SB 818 (J. Ward) – The bill amends the Health Care Facilities Act, by providing for ambulatory surgical facility permitted surgical procedures.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1094 (Gebhard) – The bill makes numerous changes and updates to the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee and includes language from SB 114 (Boscola) – requiring a driver to make a reasonable effort to remove snow or ice from their vehicle.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1183 (Browne) – The bill prohibits the operation of dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles in urban municipalities.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 16-1.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 849 (Stefano) – This legislation provides that a veteran who served honorably but was discharged with a disability before completing their initial obligation would be eligible for veterans’ preference when seeking careers with the commonwealth.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1047 (Gebhard) – This bill updates the language concerning the State Armory Board and its authority.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, June 28, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 477 (J. Ward) – This bill amends the Consolidated County Assessment Law to more precisely define changes to real property that can occur, and increasing the value of changes made without requiring an assessment adjustment.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 563 (Laughlin) – This legislation would require family child-care homes to have interconnected smoke alarms placed on each floor and in the basement.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
SB 1236 (Vogel) – The bill expands the Very Small Meat Processor Federal Inspection Reimbursement Grant Program and updates the following grant programs – Agriculture and Youth Development, Commonwealth Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, Urban Agricultural and Infrastructure Grant Program, and Farm-to-School Program.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 and reported out the following:
HB 129 (Cox) − This legislation would make remote hearings the default procedure for Unemployment Compensation (UC) appeals, though either party would be allowed to request an in-person hearing for any reason.
The bill was reported out by a vote of 11-6.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, June 20, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 709 (Tomlinson) – The bill establishes the CMV (cytomegalovirus) Education and Newborn Screening Act.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 915 (Browne) – This bill is the Capital Budget Project Itemization Act of 2021-2022.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 and reported out the following:
SR 230 (Browne) – This resolution provides for a temporary rule of the Senate, which would rule out of order certain amendments to the General Appropriation Bill for the fiscal year 2022-2023.
The resolution was reported as committed by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, April 13, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 1020 (Gebhard) − The bill authorizes DCNR, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Kyle A. and Tamara J. Boltz certain lands located in Union Township, Lebanon County, in exchange for Kyle A. and Tamara J. Boltz’s granting and conveying certain lands to DCNR, to be added to Swatara State Park; and authorizes DCNR, with the approval of the Governor, to grant and convey to Erdenheim Farm (EQ), L.P., certain lands located in Whitemarsh and Springfield Townships, Montgomery County, in exchange for Erdenheim Farm (EQ), L.P., conveying to the state a tract of land to be added to Marsh Creek State Park.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a unanimous vote.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 1019 (Brooks) − The bill extends certain regulatory suspensions from March 31 to June 30, 2022 and requires each authority who initially authorized a regulatory suspension extension to issue reports on the regulatory suspension.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 16-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 and reported out the following:
SB 739 (Stefano) – The bill designates four positions on the Fire and Emergency Services Medical Services Loan Program Application Review Committee and expands the program to include municipal-owned fire companies. The bill also establishes the Emergency Medical Services COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 17-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 and reported out the following:
SR 220 (K.Ward) The resolution allows Senators to participate remotely until Feb. 28, 2022, if the Senator has submitted to the President Pro Tempore a written request, signed by a licensed physician, attesting to the fact that the Senator or an immediate family member residing in the same household has a physical condition which places that individual at greater risk of substantial harm to the individual’s physical health if exposed to COVID 19.
The resolution was reported as committed by a vote of 17-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, December 13, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 772 (DiSanto) The bill amends the Insurance Company Law of 1921 to adopt a consumer best interest standard for annuity recommendations. The bill also reduces the minimum nonforfeiture rate for individual deferred annuities.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 16-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 248 (Phillips-Hill) The bill establishes Persian Gulf War Veterans Day, Global War on Terrorism Veterans Day, and First Responder Recognition Day.
The bill was re-reported on concurrence, as committed, by a vote of 16-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Monday, November 8, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 565 (Dush) The amends Title 18 Pa.C.S. Chapter 61, subchapter A, known as the “Uniform Firearms Act,” by eliminating the requirement that individuals obtain a license to legally carry a concealed firearm, removing the requirement that an individual be 21 to carry a concealed firearm, repealing the requirement to have a license to carry in Philadelphia, and authorizing optional concealed carry licenses.
- Amendment A02823 (Ward) reestablishes the requirement that an individual be 21 to carry a firearm, repeals Section 6107 – Prohibited conduct during emergency, clarifies that a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law does not have the constitutional right to keep and bear firearms and makes other technical changes to the bill.
The amendment was adopted along a party line vote of 11-6.
The bill was reported out of committee, as amended, by a party line vote of 11-6.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 397 (Pittman) The bill amends the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act to provide for physician assistants (PA-Cs), including practices, representation on the osteopathic board and physician oversight.
The bill was reported out as committed unanimously.
SB 398 (Pittman) The bill amends the Medical Practice Act to provide for physician assistants (PA-Cs), including practices, representation on the state medical board and physician oversight.
The bill was reported out as committed unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Friday, June 25, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 255 (Browne) The bill is a General Appropriations Act for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021 and ending June 30, 2022.
The bill was reported out by a vote of 16-1.
SB 381 (Martin) This is the omnibus School Code bill.
The bill was reported out by a vote of 15-2.
SB 411 (Browne) The bill statutorily merges the Department of Corrections (DOC) and the Board of Probation and Parole (BPP).
The bill was reported out unanimously.
SB 532 (Stefano) The bill names various bridges and roads throughout the Commonwealth.
The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Wednesday, June 24, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 618 (Phillips-Hill) The bill amends Title 35 (Health and Safety), by prohibiting the requirement of vaccine passports in Pennsylvania. The bill also prohibits the Secretary of Health from ordering a closure, or ordering an individual that has not been exposed to a contagious disease to physically distance from other individuals; wear a face mask; conduct a specific hygiene practice; quarantine from other individuals; or restrict travel.
The bill was reported out by a vote of 11-6.
SB 664 (Corman) The bill amends the Public School Code, to give students the ability to repeat a grade level during the 2021-2022 school year to account for any lost educational opportunities due to COVID-19, including students with disabilities who reached the age of 21 during the 2020-2021 academic year.
The bill was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 and reported out the following:
SB 434 (Vogal/Schwank/J. Ward) The bill amends Title 3 (Agriculture) by updating the “sell by” and “best by” date labeling for milk.
The bill was reported unanimously.
SR 142 (K.Ward) The resolution makes July 1, 2021 the expiration date for Senate Rule 38.
Rule 38 allows Senators to participate remotely in session and committee meetings during the declaration of disaster emergency first issued by Governor Wolf on March 6, 2020.
The resolution was reported out by a vote of 17-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met on June 7, 2021, and reported out the following:
SR 128 (K.Ward) This resolution amends the expiration date of Senate Rule 38 until July 1, 2021. Additionally, SR 128 amends Rule 38 by removing the prohibition on introduction of guests during Senate session.
The resolution was reported out by a vote of 17-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met today, April 20, 2o21, and reported out the following:
SR 29 (Browne) This resolution provides for a temporary rule of the Senate, which would rule out of order certain amendments to supplements to the General Appropriation Bills for the fiscal year 2020-2021, and would also rule out of order certain amendments to the General Appropriation Bills for the fiscal year 2021-2022.
The resolution was reported out by a vote of 16-0.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met Monday, April 19, 2021 and reported out the following:
SR 90 (K. Ward) The resolution extends the temporary emergency Rules of the Senate until May 31, 2021.
The resolution was reported out unanimously.
The Senate Rules and Executive Nominations Committee met Tuesday, March 23, 2021 and reported out the following:
HB 14 (Gregory) The legislation is a joint resolution proposing an emergency amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution providing for a two-year window reviving claims related to childhood sexual assault.
- A00559 (K.Ward) – Removes the emergency constitutional amendment process from the bill. The vote on the amendment was 10-6.
- A00575 (Muth) – Creates a statutory two-year civil window for survivors of childhood sexual assault with expire claims. The amendment was ruled out of order and Sen. Muth appealed the ruling. The vote on the appeal was 6-10.
The bill was reported out as amended by a vote of 16-0.

Senator Jay Costa
Committee Chair, Democratic Leader