Aging & Youth 2015-2016
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Thursday, June 30, 2016 and took action as follows:
As Amended:
HB 2069 (Farry): This bill amends the PACE/PACENET program to expand PACENET income eligibility, provide changes to the Pharmaceutical Assistance Review Board, and authorize development of medication synchronization and medication therapy management programs. Senator Brooks offered Amendment A09267, which adds provisions to increase copayment by $3 per prescription, in exchange eliminates the retroactive premiums Medicare Part D participants currently pay. The amendment also amends definitions to provide for income eligibility for Lottery-funded programs. The amendment was unanimously adopted and the bill was unanimously approved as amended.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Monday, December 7, 2015 and took action as follows:
As Committed:
HB 777 (Grove): This bill provides for those enrolled in PACE and PACENET to ensure that they will remain eligible if their limit is exceeded due to do the recent Social Security cost-of-living adjustment. The bill was reported as committed unanimously.
The Senate Aging and Youth Committee met on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 and took action as follows:
As Committed:
HB 1329 (English): This bill establishes the Caregiver, Advise, Record and Enable (CARE) Act to allow patients a chance to designate a caregiver in their medical records for after-care assistance. The bill was reported as committed unanimously.
As Amended:
HB 477 (Hickernell): This bill allows a foster-child’s guardian the authority to allow or not allow their child to participate in age-appropriate activities. Senator Brooks offered Amendment A04178, which would remove “the child’s wishes” as being a determining factor in decisions and instead adds “the child’s wishes, though not determinative, may also be considered.” The amendment was concurred with a vote of 10-1 and the bill as amended was unanimously approved.
HB 1603 (Watson): Amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to bring Pennsylvania into compliance with federal law in regards to international child support orders. Senator Brooks offered Amendment A03876, which makes a technical amendment to the bill. The amendment and the bill as amended were reported unanimously.
The Senate Aging & Youth Committee met on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 to consider the following:
HB 753, PN 1052 (Culver) – This legislation creates the Long-term Care Council within the Department of Aging. The bill was reported as committed (unanimous).
Acting Secretary Teresa Osborne, Department of Aging, nominee. The committee approved the nomination unanimously.

Senator Art Haywood