Urban Affairs & Housing 2011-2012
The Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee met Wednesday, June 13, 2012 and reported out the following bill as committed:
HB 1767 (Freeman) – This legislation amends the Landlord and Tenant Act to provide for protocol in the event of abandonment of a home, and for the sale or lease of a manufactured home community.
The Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee met April 2, 2012 and reported out the following bills
SB 1414 (Argall) – This legislation amends Title 68 (Real and Personal Property), adding a chapter to create land banks to manage and rehabilitate vacant or tax-delinquent properties. Senator Argall offered Amendment A09694, which provides the necessary language additions to make this bill identical to HB 1682. The amendment was unanimously adopted and the bill was unanimously reported as amende
HB 1682 (Taylor) – This legislation amends Title 68 (Real and Personal Property), adding a chapter to create land banks to manage and rehabilitate vacant or tax-delinquent properties. The bill was unanimously reported as committed.
SB 1433 (Gordner) – This legislation establishes the Homeowner Assistance Settlement Act. Senator Yaw offered Amendment 09640 on behalf of Senator Gordner. This amendment would clarify the provisions for financial allocation, remove redundant language and provide for a supplemental appropriation for the FY 2012-13 budget to accommodate the backlog and pent-up demand for HEMAP’s services. The amendment was unanimously adopted and the bill was unanimously reported as amended.
The Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee met on Tuesday, December 06, 2011 and reported out the following bill:
SB 1302, PN 1831 (Williams) This legislation amends the Philadelphia City-County Consolidation Act of 1963 by providing additional powers to the Philadelphia City Council. Senator Fontana offered amendment A06717, which was technical in nature and ensured that the bill was clear in its compliance with the Supreme Court ruling regarding the legislation. The amendment and bill were unanimously reported.
The Senate Urban Affairs and Housing Committee met on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, and reported out the following:
SB 1141 (McIlhinney)- This legislation amends the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2004 by providing for the definition and inclusion of “relocated manufactured home,” as well as providing for further regulations regarding relocated manufactured homes. Senator Yaw offered Amendment A05859, which adds “design elements” to the list of items subject to safety requirements and provides an exemption for those re-installing a manufactured home from seeking installation certification from the DCED. The bill was unanimously reported as amended.
SB 1174 (Yaw)- This legislation amends the Housing Authorities Law of 1937 by providing for changes to the makeup and terms of Housing Authorities in cities of the first class, as well as the appointment of its members. The bill was unanimously reported as committed.
The Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee met May 4, 2011 and reported out the following bills:
As Committed:
Senate Bill 297 (Pippy): Amends the Pennsylvania Innkeepers’ Rights Act, requiring background checks on anyone who handles keys
Senate Bill 923 (Pippy): Amends the Housing Authorities Law, expanding the scope to include second class counites to exercise the same poweres that may be exercised under authority of law or ordinance by the police of the municipalities where the Authority is located.
As Amended:
Senate Bill 295 (Waugh): Amends the Housing Authorities Law to raise the bid limit threshold from several contractors.
House Bill 442 (Helm): Amends Title 68 to prohibit the imposition of a private transfer fee on the sale of a property.
The Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee met February 9, 2011 and reported out the following bill as amended:
Senate Bill 353 (Fontana): Prohibits a private transfer fee obligation from running with the title to real property.