Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure 2011-2012
The Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee met on Tuesday, June, 14, 2011 and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Amended
HB 1336 (Godshall) The bill amends the Home Improvement Act by further providing for procedures for registration as a contractor and establishes a Home Improvement Account.
The Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee met on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Committed
SB 341 (Greenleaf) This bill amends Title 3 (Agriculture) by adding a Subchapter 41 to provide for the establishment of an automotive fuel testing and disclosure program.
Reported Out as Amended
SB 321 (Tomlinson) The bill amends Title 3 (Agriculture) by eliminating the Certified Weights and Measures Program.
SB 957 (Tomlinson) The bill amends the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act by providing for the licensure of athletic trainers.
SB 967 (Tomlinson) The bill amends the Medical Practice Act by providing for the licensure of athletic trainers.
The Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee met on Tuesday, April 12, 2011, and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Committed
SB 366 (D.White) The bill amends the Board of Vehicles Act, further providing for definitions, for licensure and for State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons.
SB 419 (Tomlinson) The bill amends the Board of Vehicles Act by allowing for the sale of motorcycles on Sundays.
SB 747 (Erickson) This bill establishes the State Board of Plumbing Contractors within the Department of Labor and Industry and creates the Plumbing Contractors Licensure Account in Treasury.
SB 932 (Corman) This bill amends the Telemarketer Registration Act further providing for do-not-call registration.
Reported Out as Amended
SB 27 (Greenleaf) The bill amends what is commonly referred to as the Puppy Lemon Law.
The Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee met on Monday, February 14, 2011, and took action as follows:
Reported Out as Amended
SB 325 (Baker) The bill creates the Gas and Hazardous Liquids Pipelines Act.
SB 342 (Greenleaf) This bill amends the Occupational Therapy Practice Act further providing for creation of the board and providing for impaired professionals program.