News Digest :: July 29, 2019

Legislature Down to zero: Small payments in canceled assistance program made big impact in recipients’ lives

News Digest : July 28, 2019

State News State to examine parole process after killings PennDOT wants your help to make roads safer Education New law means snow days can be work days for many students — from home Schools see red as lunch debts rise Lunch-shaming must end | PennLive letters...

News Digest :: July 27, 2019

Legislative Issues Seeing red over neighborhood fireworks? This Pennsylvania lawmaker has an idea (Schwank) Pennsylvania’s absentee ballot rules mean many arrive too late to be counted Ban cat declawing: Outdated practice prioritizes convenience over care Health Paul...

News Digest :: July 26, 2019

Legislature Local lawmaker working on guidelines for Search and Rescue dog organizations Local senator hosts...

News Digest :: July 25, 2019

Legislature State Sen. Judy Schwank calls for the closure of the Berks County Residential Center Philly Council President Darrell Clarke calls for law banning...

News Digest :: July 24, 2019

Legislature How state Sen. Pam Iovino is navigating one of Pennsylvania’s most pivotal senate districts Groups go to...