News Digest :: August 4, 2019

Legislature Pa. just eliminated general assistance. The need for it hasn’t gone away | Opinion (Sens. Katie Muth, Maria Collett and Lindsey Williams)...

News Digest :: August 3, 2019

Legislature West Chester’s plastic-bag ban was ‘the right thing to do,’ officials say, even if it defies state law Overhaul of Pa.’s medical transport program on...

News Digest :: August 2, 2019

Legislature Democrats ask Wolf to declare emergency response to cash assistance elimination Democrats ask Wolf to declare emergency response to cash assistance elimination Court turns down groups’ request to keep cash assistance program temporarily alive for...

News Digest :: August 1, 2019

Legislature ‘Deeply troubling’: Lawmakers react to PFAS investigation Cash assistance program for the poor in Pa. ends today...

News Digest :: July 31, 2019

Legislature State Sen. Santarsiero opens district office in Tullytown It’s time for Pa. to raise its minimum wage, and lift so many out of poverty | Opinion...

News Digest :: July 30, 2019

Legislature Pa. bill would protect mom-and-pop subcontractors from construction errors they didn’t cause