News Digest :: December 21, 2019

Legislature How inaction in Harrisburg stalled a Philadelphia gun-control law until 2020 How inaction in Harrisburg stalled a Philadelphia gun-control law until 2020 Pennsylvania’s state parks have more visitors and less money — and fresh hopes to change that...

News Digest :: December 20, 2019

Legislature Pa. push for higher minimum wage getting maximum attention, little movement House approves bill to keep violent offenders from early...

News Digest :: December 19, 2019

Legislature State senators push to end secrecy in judicial nominations as controversial court pick is approved...

News Digest :: December 18, 2019

Legislature After years of negotiation, cost-savings criminal justice bills head for final approval After years of negotiation, cost-savings criminal justice bills head for final approval Committee approves bill for moratorium on closing of White Haven center...

News Digest :: December 17, 2019

Legislature Policymakers order review of Pennsylvania juvenile justice Gov. Tom Wolf announces effort to overhaul juvenile justice in...

News Digest :: December 16, 2019

Legislature Pa. lawmakers mount challenge to closing centers Tabora Farms dispute sparks agritourism legislation...