News Digest :: August 31, 2020

Legislature Pennsylvania residents prepare for the statewide eviction moratorium to end Monday Looming ‘deluge’ of evictions threatens...

News Digest :: August 30, 2020

Coronavirus – COVID-19 Covid-19 in Pa.: Child abuse doctors see a disturbing trend as the pandemic continues North Hills elementary teacher tests positive...

News Digest :: August 29, 2020

Coronavirus – COVID-19 More than 250 students at open Pa. universities have coronavirus after returning to campus 27 Penn State students test...

News Digest :: August 28, 2020

Legislature Wolf, Republicans at odds over Pennsylvania election law Surge in mail-in ballots could delay election results, so...

News Digest :: August 27, 2020

Legislature Gov. Wolf’s pitch to legalize marijuana to close coronavirus budget gap divides lawmakers: ‘Utterly irresponsible’ or ‘legitimate?’...

News Digest :: August 26, 2020

Legislature Wolf calls for legalizing marijuana for recreational use in Pa., but GOP lawmakers say it’s a pipe dream...