News Digest :: November 5, 2020

Elections/Politics Vote count enters final stretch in Pa. as Trump falsely declares win in the state The ‘blue shift’...

News Digest :: November 4, 2020

Elections/Politics Pa. goes to sleep without a winner — and with the state as critical as ever to who wins the White House Gov. Tom Wolf urges patience as...

News Digest :: November 3, 2020

Elections/Politics Pennsylvania’s pandemic presidential election is here. Is the state ready? Wolf responds to Trump hours before Election Day:...

News Digest :: November 2, 2020

Elections/Politics New Monmouth poll shows Biden with 5-point lead over Trump in Pa. Pa. will be in spotlight Monday as...

News Digest :: October 30, 2020

Elections/Politics Pa. Democrats enter the homestretch fearing the Supreme Court will throw out votes Gov. Wolf: Pennsylvania prepared for Nov. 3...

News Digest :: October 29, 2020

Elections/Politics For now, Pa.’s ballot-counting extension intact as Supreme Court declines to hear appeal U.S. Supreme...