Senator Costa Announces $750K In State Funding for Housing Projects

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 10, 2021 − Senator Jay Costa today announced the award of $750,000 in state funding for local housing projects in Wilkinsburg and Hazelwood. “These communities have incredible potential just waiting to be unlocked, and today’s awards will...

Senator Kane Announces $200,000 Grant for Silvercare Senior Housing

May 26, 2021 – Senator John Kane (D, Delaware/Chester) today announced Silvercare Senior Housing project in Delaware County will receive a $200,000 grant from the Commonwealth Finance Authority (CFA). The funds will be used to remediate harmful asbestos and mastic...

Fontana Home-Ownership Initiative Cleared for Full-Senate Vote

HARRISBURG – April 28, 2021 – An initiative originally introduced by state Sens. Wayne Fontana and Bob Mensch to boost first-time home ownership has cleared a key committee and is headed again to the full Senate for a vote. The plan will allow individuals and...