Pa Must Move Forward on Climate Change

Op-Ed By Senator Carolyn Comitta

I ran for office because of climate change. Leaving a cleaner, safer world for my children and grandchildren has always been a driving force behind my passion for public service. When I look into their eyes, I want to tell them I’m doing everything I can to save our planet – to protect our environment, cut pollution, and invest in a clean energy economy.

Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti Calls on Biden Administration to Adopt Strong Standards to Cut Pollution from Coal- and Gas-Fired Power Plants

Norristown, Pennsylvania − November 15, 2023 – Yesterday, Senator Amanda M. Cappelletti (D-Montgomery/Delaware) joined state and local officials from around the country to call on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adopt the strongest possible carbon pollution standards for coal- and gas-fired power plants to protect public health, slash climate pollution, and move closer to 100 percent clean power generation.

Sen. Collett Calls on Colleagues to Get Tougher on PFAS Polluters

Harrisburg, Pa. – March 8, 2023 — Yesterday, Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery) called on her colleagues to get more serious about PFAS pollution and announced plans to reintroduce legislation designating certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS),...