HARRISBURG – May 7, 2019 – Sen. Jim Brewster (D-Allegheny/Westmoreland) will host his annual Student Government Seminar to educate students on the functions of state government on Thursday, May 9, at Penn State Greater Allegheny.
The event includes three educational sessions on the roles of state government, a lunch time panel, and concludes with the students participating in mock party caucuses and Senate session.
This year’s legislative issue for the students to debate is hunting on Sundays.
The following high schools will participate in the event:
- Auberle;
- Baldwin;
- Brentwood;
- Burrell;
- Clairton;
- Cornerstone Prep;
- Deer Lakes;
- East Allegheny;
- Gateway;
- Kiski;
- McKeesport;
- Plum;
- West Mifflin; and
- Woodland Hills
The senator will be joined by Eric Ewell, Director of Continuing Education at Penn State Greater Allegheny, to welcome the students.
WHAT: Sen. Jim Brewster Hosts Annual Student Government Seminar
WHEN: Thursday, May 9; 9 a.m. – 1:45 p.m.
WHERE: Student Community Center, Penn State Greater Allegheny, 4000 University Dr., McKeesport, PA
NOTE: The Student Community Center is located on campus at the corner of Broadway Ave and Franklin Philips Way
Your coverage is invited.