Senator Lisa Boscola

HARRISBURG, PA – January 27, 2025 – Senator Lisa M. Boscola (D-Northampton) announced today that Senate Bill 154, her legislation to reauthorize The Responsible Utility Customer Protection Act (Chapter 14), passed unanimously in the Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee. The bill now heads to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration.

First enacted in 2004 and last reauthorized in 2014, Chapter 14 protects responsible ratepayers by providing public utilities with tools to manage uncollected bills while safeguarding vulnerable customers through winter shut-off moratoriums and payment arrangements. The law expired on December 31, 2024, and the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) temporarily stepped in to preserve these protections until the General Assembly could act early this session.

“This framework is vital to stabilizing utility costs for hard-working families and seniors on fixed incomes,” Boscola said. “With skyrocketing energy prices and mounting unpaid utility bills, the need for action is more urgent than ever.”

Boscola, who has worked on all three reauthorizations of Chapter 14, emphasized the importance of swift legislative action. “The unanimous committee vote shows a shared commitment to protect ratepayers while providing utilities with the tools they need to operate fairly and efficiently.”

For more information, contact Senator Boscola’s office.
