A new test

The Senate Transportation Committee met on Monday, October 21, 2024 to consider the following bill:

House Bill 2426 – This bill bans the use, possession, and/or sale of license plate flipping devices.

  • This bill was unanimously reported from committee.


The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 to consider the following bills:

    Senate Bill 1338 (Langerholc) – This bill enters PennDOT into an interstate agreement for the research and deployment of unmanned aircraft systems.

    • This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.

    Senate Bill 1113 (Stefano) – This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to contract with a vendor to design vehicle registration plates.

    • Amendment A05851, which makes technical changes and permits the auctioning of registration plates, was offered and adopted by a vote 12 to 2.
    • This bill was reported out, as amended, by a vote of 10 to 4.

    House Bill 1283  (Daley) – This bill would permit the Department of Transportation to install pedestrian plazas and parking protected bicycle lanes on state roadways.

    • This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.

    House Bill 1833 (Neilson) – This bill permits the use of design build, best value for procurement for PennDOT and Turnpike Commission projects.

    • Amendment A05939 was offered, which inserts language requiring the Secretary of Transportation or a majority of Turnpike Commissioners to determine DBBV projects, limits one-step DBBV to the Turnpike Commission only, unless PennDOT needs DBBV for an emergency procurement, clarifies provisions for the Alternative Technical Concept, asserts an unsuccessful responsible offeror is only eligible one time for a stipend, defers to the Procurement Code (62 Pa.C.S.) to govern procurement policies, unless superseded by DBBV.
      • The amendment was adopted by a vote 11 to 3.
    • This bill was reported out, as amended, by a vote of 13 to 1.

    House Bill 2177 (Representative Mullins) – This bill permits motorcycles to be inspected year-round.

    • This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.

    The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to consider the following bills:

    • Senate Bill 787 (Senator Dush): This bill requires PennDOT to install dry hydrants on newly built, modified, or rehabilitated bridges.
      • This bill was reported as committed unanimously.
    • The nomination of Douglas Farnham to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.
      • This nomination was unanimously recommended for confirmation.

    The Senate Transportation Committee met on Monday, July 1, 2024 to consider the following bills:

    House Bill 1338 (Rep. Nielson): This bill would permit local governments to enact superseding ordinances to prohibit, permit, or regulate the use of off-road vehicles within the boundaries of their respective municipality, provided that these penalties exceed Act 92 of 2022.

    • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee.

    House Bill 2266 (Rep. Tomlinson): This bill enhances penalties for street racing and “drifting”.

    • This bill was reported out of committee, by a vote of 13 to 1, with Senator DiSanto voting in the negative.

      The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 to consider the following bills:

      Senate Bill 1118 (Senators Stefano and Costa) – This bill authorizes a magisterial district judge to determine that, if a person is financially unable to pay the costs of their fines and fees associated with their traffic offense(s), community service may be ordered as an alternative to payment and the associated indefinite license suspension.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee, as amended.

      House Bill 816 (Representative Giral) – This bill requires that photo evidence must be obtained prior to removing a vehicle for a parking violation in the City of Philadelphia.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee. 

      House Bill 2301 (Representative Nielson) – This bill removes the sunset date of the Distracted Driving Awareness registration plate and makes the plate a permanent offering by the Department of Transportation.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee, as amended.

      The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 to consider the following bills:

      House Bill 2161 (Rep. McAndrew): This bill designates a portion of Allegheny Boulevard, in Allegheny County, as a scenic byway.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of the Transportation Committee.

      House Bill 2182 (Rep. Marshall):  This bill authorizes the use of green flashing or revolving lights on highway construction and maintenance vehicles.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of the Transportation Committee.

      House Bill 2233 (Rep. Curry): This bill exempts a tow truck operator from violations of state traffic laws and local ordinances while acting at the direct instruction of a law enforcement officer in the immediate response to an emergency.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of the Transportation Committee.

      The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 to consider the following:

      Senate Bill 915 (Langerholc) – This bill would codify PennDOT’s current policy for the replacement illegible military vehicle registration plates.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee.

      Senate Bill 1047 (K. Ward) – This bill designates the Mayor Gerald D. Lucia Memorial Highway in Westmoreland County.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee.

      House Bill 73 (Kerwin) – This bill authorizes PennDOT to create the Operation Inherent Resolve vehicle registration plate.

      • This bill was unanimously reported out of committee.

      The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and unanimously reported out the following:

      House Bill 1284 (Nielson) – This bill makes permanent the Work Zone Speed Enforcement Camera and Roosevelt Blvd Speed Enforcement Camera pilot programs. It further creates a School Zone Speed Enforcement pilot program and expands automated speed enforcement to the whole of Philadelphia County. Language pertaining to automated enforcement of school bus flashing red lights was removed via a prior amendment, as this was signed into law as Act 29 of 2023.

        Amendment A03137 (Langerholc) – Removes the sunset date for Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement and Automated Speed Enforcement on Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia County and makes other technical amendments. The amendment also expands the automated speed enforcement program to five (5) additional safety corridors in the City of Philadelphia and creates a school zone speed enforcement program for five (5) school zones in the City of Philadelphia. Finally, the amendment directs the Local Government Commission to study automated speed enforcement expansion to additional local roads and streets.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 to consider the following legislation:

        Senate Bill 1020 (Langerholc) – This bill designates a bridge as the LCPL Ralph J. Fabbri USMC Memorial Bridge.

        • This bill was reported from Committee by a vote of 9-5.

        Senate Bill 363 (Bartolotta) – This bill removes DUI penalties for legal medical cannabis use, provided that the vehicle operator is not under the influence.

        • This bill was reported from Committee by a vote of 9-5.

        Amendment A03266 (Bartolotta) – This is a gut and replace technical amendment providing a clean up of the formatting of the bill language

        Adopted by a vote of 9-5

        House Bill 250 (Merski) – This bill increases the maximum income allowance for reduced vehicle registration fees for eligible senior citizens.

        • This bill was reported from Committee by a vote of 9-5.

        House Bill 1243 (Benninghoff) – This bill authorizes additional documentation to be used by PennDOT for Real ID purposes only.

        • This bill was reported from Committee by a vote of 9-5.

        House Bill 1284 (Nielson) – his bill makes permanent the Work Zone Speed Enforcement Camera and Roosevelt Blvd Speed Enforcement Camera pilot programs. It further creates a School Zone Speed Enforcement pilot program and expands automated speed enforcement to the whole of Philadelphia County. Language pertaining to automated enforcement of school bus flashing red lights was removed via a prior amendment, as this was signed into law as Act 29 of 2023.

        • The Committee went over this bill at today’s meeting.

        Amendment A03137 (Langerholc) –Removes the sunset date for Automated Work Zone Speed
        Enforcement and Automated Speed Enforcement on Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia County and makes other technical amendments. The amendment further directs the Local Government Commission to study automated speed enforcement expansion to additional local roads and streets. The amendment contains no language to expand these zones beyond their current authorizations.

        The Committee went over this amendment at today’s meeting.


        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 to consider the following legislation:

        Senate Bill 977 ( Farry/Tartaglione) – Adds a new offense to Title 75, providing for penalties for “interference with an operation mass transit vehicle,” a third-degree felony.

        • This bill was unanimously reported from committee.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 to consider the following legislation:

        Senate Bill 958 (Sen. Langerholc) – Designates a bridge on Route 219 in Clearfield County as the Trooper First Class Brad Wilson Honorary Bridge.

        • Bill was reported from committee unanimously

        Senate Bill 964 (Sen. Brown) – Designates a portion of Route 209 in Monroe County as the Schyler Herman Memorial Roundabout.

        • Bill was reported from committee unanimously

        Amendment #A02663 (Sen. Brown) – Technical in nature to clarify location of signage.

        Amendment adopted unanimously

        House Bill 1284 (Rep. Nielson) – Removes the sunshine dates for the Work Zone Automated Speed Enforcement Program and Roosevelt Blvd Automated Speed Enforcement Program.  Additionally, expands automated speed enforcement to the entirety of Philadelphia County and creates a new pilot program for speed enforcement in school zones.

        • Reported as amended by a vote of 13 to one, with Senator Stefano being the sole “no” vote.

        Amendment #A02636 (Sen. Langerholc) – Gut and replace amendment to make permanent the Roosevelt Blvd and Work Zone Automated Speed Enforcement Programs.  The amendment will strike any language expanding the programs outside of the aforementioned zones.

        Adopted by a vote of 8 to 6, with all Democratic members voting against and joined by Senator Stefano.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 to consider the following:

        Senate Bill 934 (Langerholc) – Exempts the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission from certain local municipal ordinances that are more stringent than regulations imposed by the Department of Environmental Protection.

        This bill was reported out of committee by a vote of 11 to 3, with Senators Kane, Kearney, and L. Williams voting against.

        Senate Bill 473 (Boscola) – Authorizes the usage of lottery winnings in excess of $2,500 and state income tax refunds for unpaid tolls at the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, prior to issuance to the lottery winner or taxpayer.

        This bill was reported out of committee by a vote of 13 to 1, with Senator L. Williams voting against.

        Senate Bill 597 (Laughlin) – Amends Title 74 (Transportation) via modernization of the management of public transit agencies through predictability in capital funding and increases the local control of funding decisions.

        This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.

        Senate Bill 799  (Rothman) – Permits the usage of Act 44 and Act 89 funds, collected as a $5 fee on annual vehicle registrations, to be used on both county and municipal bridges.

        This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.  A technical amendment was offered, considered, and adopted unanimously.

        Senate Bill 897 (Baker) – Provides for a penalty for drivers convicted of proceeding past or overtaking a school bus when amber or yellow lights are flashing.

        This bill was reported out of committee unanimously.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 to consider the following:

        House Bill 1171 (Rep Hill-Evans): Amends Pennsylvania’s Combustible and Flammable Liquids Act to increase the maximum distance between master control emergency shut-off devices and fuel dispensers from 200 feet to 350 feet.

        • This bill was unanimously reported from Committee.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 to consider the following:

        The nomination of Dr. Keith Leaphart, as commissioner to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission.

        • The Committee favorably reported the nomination unanimously.

        Senate Bill 748 (Sens. Argall and Schwank)Removes the sunset dates for the automated speed enforcement in active highway work zones and Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia County.

        • Amendment A01458 (attached) was offered and unanimously adopted.
        • This bill was unanimously reported from Committee.

        Senate Bill 851 (Chairmen Langerholc and Flynn) – Extends the sunset date of the pilot program for automated enforcement for overtaking school buses with flashing red lights.

        • This bill was unanimously reported from Committee.

        House Bill 797 (Rep. B. Miller) – Directs the Department of Transportation to plant vegetation which has been identified by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as being native to Pennsylvania.

        • This bill was unanimously reported from Committee.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, June 7, 2023 and reported out the following pieces of legislation:

        Senate Bill 656 (Rothman, R – Cumberland): Eliminates the Alternative Fuel Tax and replaces it with a Road Use Fee of $380 for passenger electric vehicles.

        • A gut-and-replace amendment will be offered to provide for a Road User Charge (RUC), as a gas-tax equivalent, for passenger electric vehicles weighing less than 14,000 pounds.  The amendatory language is attached to this email.
          • This bill was reported out by a vote of 13 to 1.

        Senate Bill 770 (Coleman, R – Lehigh): Designates the portion of State Route 143 in Lehigh County from where it intersects with State Route 309 in Lynn Township to the border of Berks County as “Heroes Highway” in honor of two fallen firefighters, Firefighter Marvin Gruver and Assistant Fire Chief Zachary Paris.

        • This bill was reported out unanimously.

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on Wednesday, May 10, 2023 to consider the following:

        SB 37 (BROWN) – Establishes Paul Miller’s Law by increasing penalties for texting while driving and prohibiting the use of handheld interactive mobile devices while driving.

        Bill as amended was reported from committee by a vote of 13-1 (with Senator DiSanto voting in the negative)

        • A0517 -Re-writes Section 3316 (relating to prohibiting text-based communications) as well as Section 3316.1 (relating to prohibiting use of interactive mobile device), and removes certain penalties.
          Amendment was adopted by a vote of 10-4 (with Senators Brewster, Flynn, Kane, and Kearney voting in the negative)

        SB 692 (LAUGHLIN) – Removes the sunset date for the e-scooter rental program in the City of Pittsburgh, and authorizes the City of Scranton and cities of the third class to create an optional e-scooter rental program similar to the City of Pittsburgh.

        Bill as amended was reported from committee by a vote of 9-5 (with Senators Brewster, DiSanto, Kane, Kearney, and L. Williams voting in the negative

        • A0495 (FLYNN) – Provides technical corrections to clarify PennDOT’s review process and strengthen minimum requirements for local ordinances, policies and regulations.
          Amendment adopted unanimously

        SB 621 (COMITTA) – Designates the Corporal Brandon Hardy Memorial Highway in Chester County.

        Bill as amended was reported from committee unanimously

        SB 630 (LAUGHLIN) – Designates the U.S. Navy Corpsman Charles Doerr Memorial Bridge in Cambria County.

        Bill was reported from committee unanimously

        SB 640 (LAUGHLIN) – Designates the U.S. Army Sergeant Harold Koller Bridge in Clearfield County.

        Bill was reported from committee unanimously

        SB 655 (LAUGHLIN) – Designates the Sergeant Regis H. Driskel Bridge in Cambria County.

        Bill was reported from committee unanimously

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on May 2, 2023 to consider the following nomination:

        • The Honorable Mike Carroll as Secretary of Transportation. He was reported out of committee with a unanimous favorable recommendation.


        The Senate Transportation Committee met on April 26, 2023, to consider the following:

        Senate Bill 140 (Langerholc) – Requires the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee crimes on SEPTA property

        • Amendment No. 346 (Langerholc) – Clarifies the State Policy may provide assistance to the special prosecutor
          • Amendment adopted unanimously
        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee by a vote of 8-5 (All Democratic members voted NO)

        Senate Bill 153 (J. Ward and Yaw) – Permits milk hauling during a declaration of disaster emergency

        • Reported from Committee by a vote of 11-2 (with Senators Kane and Kearney voting in the negative)

        Senate Bill 362 (Farry) – Imposes penalties on a railroad company or government agency that blocks a railroad crossing for an unreasonable period of time

        • Amendment No. 320 (Vogel) – provides a gut-and-replace to impose a fine of $1,000 per da per crossing, updates the criteria for exceptions, and dedicates fines to the county where the violation occurred for emergency response services (equipment, training, etc.)
          • Amendment adopted unanimously
        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee unanimously (13-0)

        Senate Bill 561 (Langerholc) – Exempts the newest model year vehicles from the emissions test for five years, and bans a gas cap test when a subject vehicle is not manufactured with a gas cap

        • Reported from Committee by a vote of 10-3 (with Senators Kane, Kearney, and Williams voting in the negative)

        Senate Bill 562 (Langerholc) – Exempts Blair, Cambria, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lycoming, Mercer, and Westmoreland Counties from the vehicle emissions test

        • Reported from Committee by a vote of 10-3 (with Senators Kane, Kearney, and Williams voting in the negative)

        The Senate Transportation Committee met on March 1, 2023 to consider the following legislation:

        Senate Bill 191 (Hutchinson) – Requires PennDOT to maintain all stormwater facilities connected to state highways in certain boroughs and incorporated towns

        • Reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        Senate Bill 298 (Robinson) – Permits doorless driving for Jeep and Bronco owners

        • A00093 (Langerholc) – Clarifies the vehicle must be registered under Section 1301 (relating to registration and certificate of title required); the vehicle shall have side mirrors if the dorrs are removed; the doors must be attached for inspection purposes under Section 4702 (relating to requirement for periodic inspection of vehicles); and, requires all occupants to wear a seatbelt
          • Amendment adopted unanimously
        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        Senate Bill 453 (Phillips-Hill and Langerholc) – Provides technical changes to address recent DUI court cases and improves the ignition interlock process enacted via Act 33 of 2016

        • Reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        Senate Bill 459 (Rothman) – Authorizes local police officers to utilize radar for speed enforcement, and equips the PSP with moving radar

        • A00088 (Rothman) – Stipulates no person may be convicted in a school zone or active work zone unless the speed recorded is six or more miles per hour in excess of the speed limit.
          • Amendment adopted unanimously
        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        Senate Bill 154 (Langerholc) – Designates the following in Cambria County: East Taylor Veterans Memorial Bridge, the Officer Matthew Krupa Memorial Bridge, and the Senior Chief Stanley “Stush” Kubat, Jr., Memorial Bridge

        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        Senate Bill 443 (Langerholc) – Designates the PVT Donald D. Marsh Memorial Bridge in Cambria County

        • Bill as amended was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0)

        The Senate Transportation Committee met January 9th, 2023 at 1:25 PM in the Rules Room to consider five bills. The votes were as follows:

        Senate Bill 35 (Langerholc) – Removes language set forth in Act 89 indexing the gas tax to the actual average wholesale price of gasoline (with a floor of $2.99 per gallon), replacing this with a flat rate of $0.58 per gallon (in line with an average wholesale price of $2.99 per gallon).

        • Chairman Flynn made a motion to go over Senate Bills 35 and 121, which was defeated by a party-line vote (9-5) with all Democrats supporting the motion.
        • Senator Brewster then noted the lack of vetting of Senate Bill 35, as well as the broad implications that this would have on transportation infrastructure.
        • Chairman Flynn asserted that he would support the bill, but also implored the Chair to work with all members to properly develop alternative funding mechanisms for transportation programs.
        • Senator L. Williams echoed the comments offered by Senators Brewster and Flynn, and she noted that constituents want safe roads along with lower gas prices.
        • Senate Bill 35 was reported from Committee by a vote of 11-3, with Senators Brewster, Kearney, and L. Williams voting in the negative.

        Senate Bill 121 (Langerholc) – Introduces a declining cap in the annual transfer from the Motor License Fund to Pennsylvania State Police highway safety operations starting at $250 million in FY 2023/24, with subsequent $50 million reductions each fiscal year until it is entirely phased out in FY 2028/29.

        • Again, Chairman Flynn made a motion to go over this bill along with Senate Bill 35 that was defeated at the outset of the meeting.
        • Senator Brewster offered support for moving away from using the Motor License Fund to support Pennsylvania State Police operations, but noted that this idea was lacking funding to offset the Motor License Fund and should be part of the budget process.
        • Chairman Flynn largely echoed Senator Brewster’s comments, adding that the General Assembly could commit to funding Pennsylvania State Police solely out of the General Fund without the bill and the incoming Governor should have a say in these decisions.
        • Senate Bill 121 was reported from Committee by a vote of 9-5, with all Democratic Senators voting in the negative.

        Senate Bill 95 (Langerholc) – Authorizes the transportation of agricultural products to residences via a truck bearing a farm vehicle registration plate, and further allows both the registrant or an employee to operate the vehicle.

        • Senate Bill 95 was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0).

        Senate Bill 96 (Langerholc) – Makes several designations in Cambria County related to individuals serving in World War II.

        • Senate Bill 96 was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0).

        Senate Bill 122 (Langerholc) – Makes several designations in Cambria County related to individuals serving in the Vietnam War.

        • Senate Bill 122 was reported from Committee unanimously (14-0).